Page 9 of Don't Hate Me

“When you’re with me, I expect your full attention, baby girl,” Payton cooed from behind me.

I arched into her, needing her to fuck me harder. My skin was on fire. My pussy clenching around the fake cock. But still, it wasn’t enough to push me over the edge again.

I didn’t need to tell her what to do. Payton shifted behind me and used my hips as leverage to drive into me. The cock she picked was oddly shaped, with ribbing on all sides. One I had never tried before, but I made a note to add it to my personal arsenal.

The ribbing rubbed against my G-spot, causing my toes to curl and my legs to stiffen. My body was turning into soft molten lava as the heat from her movement swirled inside me.

Fuck I needed this.I didn’t realize how badly I needed to get fucked until I was almost at Payton’s feet, begging for it. I was so desperate, it was embarrassing. Normally I would have liked a bit of degradation, but not being able to get off when it was something I was known for, was just downright pitiful.

Payton was an odd choice for me. Usually I would stick with the other performers if I needed to get off or, in a desperate moment, call Bailey. But it had been weeks since I had a good fucking, and it’s not like Bailey would do it for me.

I regretted slowing down my performances for Bailey. I regretted a lot about getting involved with her. I wanted so badly to make it work. I thought I was ready. Thought I could handle all that came with having a relationship again… but I was wrong.

At first, I was enamored by her. I remember telling Sloan, my closest friend in the club, once just how much I wanted her. I had never let a single person to derail me so completely from my normal schedule, and now I was paying the price.

To Bailey, we were in an open relationship. One with limitations around my performances and who I fucked. She didn’t want anyone outside of the club because, at least then, she could know who I was fucking.

To me, she was a disappointing and controlling fuck who didn’t know when to end things. I had tried hinting at it so many times. Tried togentlylet her know that performing and having sex were two big parts of me that I didn’t want to give up.

But she was… unhappy whenever I mentioned it. And whenever she was unhappy, the entire club would know about it.

That was what sucked about being here so often, I couldn’t get away from her even if I tried. What was once my safe space was starting to turn into something else entirely.

I don’t know when her captivating brown eyes and easy smile turned into narrowed eyes and a scowl. Or when her easy-going personality started to turn controlling. It had happened slowly over the last few months, changing until I didn’t even recognize her anymore.

What was even worse was howboringthe sex had gotten. She was good with her fingers, but that was about it. She never liked using toys or trying anything new.

At first, I didn’t think it was an issue. As long as I got off, I was happy. But the longer I was with her, the more it started to bother me.

I didn’t pretend like I was a good person. I knew I wasn’t. I knew I was only making it worse by not being able to put my foot down.

I was going to have to break it off soon. And if I couldn’t entice her to leave, I would have to force her hand.

Hence, Payton.

I forced myself to look back at her, taking in her wild smile and hooded hazel eyes. Even in the darkness, I could make out the tattoos that littered her skin. Her hair was damp and sticking to her face after our many rounds.

Unlike me, she had torn her mask off long ago. She didn’t follow the rules much, but it wasn’t like Ax and Sloan would kick her out. She was somewhat of a celebrity.

A sort of performer, but of the musical kind.

It wasn’t often that she came here, looking for a lay, but I just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Andgod,was I grateful for it.

At the first hint of my orgasm on the horizon, I froze. Payton noticed right away, of course, and instead of keeping her pace, she slowed, chasing away my orgasm in a painful fashion.

“Please, Payton,” I whined.

“Please what?” she asked with a throaty chuckle. “Gotta be more specific, or I may just think you’re asking me to stop altogether.”

I fisted the comforter under, arching for her.

“Please let me come,” I begged.

Payton’s mouth opened as if she were going to speak, but then her eyes were torn from me and to the phone on the floor.

“Someone missing you, baby girl?” she asked. The seriousness in her tone caused me to snap my attention to the phone as well.

I was ready to see Bailey’s face flash across the screen, but instead it was the one person Ireallydidn’t want to hear about in that moment.