Page 35 of Don't Hate Me

I almost laughed aloud at the pitiful sight.

He had more secret service agents than press surrounding him.

From the information I gleaned about the senator, he wasn’t very popular among the voters. His voice was one of the loudest, though, so he sure did cause a stir on social media at times. But none of that translated into votes.

He had money—a shit-ton of it—from his father’s side. While his father never got into politics directly, he was a very prominent donor to some of his son’s colleagues.

It caused his ego to soar. It was obvious in the way he greeted people when he got out of his car. Even if the crowd was small, he acted like it was hundreds of people. He raised his hand, waving at the passersby and film crew. His gleaming smile shone in the light.

I wonder if people noticed the distance between him and his wife. Or how it was a secret service agent who had to help her out of the car. Did they notice how his smile dropped when one of the workers got just a bit too close?

He was a vile human being disguised in a perfectly polished flesh suit that was more similar to a reality star than the demon he truly was. I yearned to run my knife across his throat just to see if the demon would show.

Why Blake was assigned to him was beyond me. According to her file, she was a good agent with no prior record. Assigning her to him was a bit of an insult.

But after tonight, she would say goodbye to him for good.I did exactly what Avery suggested and gave it to the FBI agent. Now it was up to him to do the dirty work. All I had to do was wait until she got reassigned, and then I would swoop in and take care of the rest.

I caught sight of my little brunette getting out of the car right behind the senator’s wife.

I had seen her without her mask multiple times before this, but seeing her in the daylight, with the sun shining on her face, showcasing her freckles and glittering eyes… it was like seeing a totally different side of her.

She was focused on the wife. Her eyes scanned the area like anyone else trained in her position would do. There was not even a hint of a smile on her face until the wife met her eyes, and then the smallest one appeared. It was like a ghost of a shadow. Her lips curved, but the rest of her expression stayed neutral.

This wasn’t the girl who got on that stage and allowed strangers to fuck her.

This wasn’t the girl who was stammering and blushing in front of me as she asked me to share her bed with her.

No, this was Tiffany, and she was in control of everything.

She pushed the press away that dared to get close and safely led the wife into the restaurant. When they disappeared, I let my eyes wander back to my phone.

Tiffany wants to be in control now, doesn’t she?

Apparently she didn’t like our interruption either and decided to take things into her own hands, but that wasn’t how we were going to play this game. I was the one in control here, and she would come to learn that sooner or later.

I scrolled to the bottom of the email, and there were two options for me.

“Accept”or “Reject.”

My finger hovered over the buttons. Just as I was about to press one, a scream broke out.

My gaze snapped toward the restaurant. My breathing was calm as I watched a man stumble out of the place, but my heart skipped a beat when Blake’s messy brown hair and disheveled clothing made an entrance.

I sucked in a sharp breath and ground my molars together.Had he hurt my target?

The people still lingering on the sidewalk jumped out of the way of the man, allowing him to get away. Blake was close behind and took off running after him and winked out of sight in seconds.

Cursing under my breath, I stood as calmly as possible to not draw attention to myself before grabbing my stuff and walking out the back.

As soon as the door slammed behind me, I took off jogging in the direction that they went in. No one was following her, leading me to believe the others were controlling whatever mess he had left back in the restaurant.

I picked up my pace, determined to get a glance at my target. It wouldn’t do me any good if she was disposed of before I could get my hands on the information the client wanted.

It wasn’t long before I found them in an alleyway only a few blocks from where we were. Blake had tackled the man to the ground and started punching him in the face.

I froze in my steps when her fist crashed into his face. Again, and again, and again. Blood splattered out from him, painting Blake’s face and clothing. The sprinkles of blood swelled in with the freckles seamlessly and looked more like a work of art than the horrific sight it should have been.

Her eyes were wild, and her movements were erratic, but her breathing was almost silent. Her eyes were wide and fixed on the man below her without blinking. Even as blood continued to splatter on her face.