Page 36 of Don't Hate Me

She beat him with an anger I had never seen from her before. An anger I didn’t think she possessed.

When she pulled away, the air around us stilled. The breath was stolen from my lungs. The hair on the back of my neck stood straight up.

Her eyes told me she wasn’t done. Not by a long shot.

Show me what you’re hiding, little agent.

With smooth movements, she reached behind her and pulled her gun from her holster.

“I’m sorry!” the man below her cried. “Please! I wasn’t trying to hurt them. I just wanted to send a message!”

She pointed the gun at his forehead.Pull the trigger,my demon ordered her. It was bloodthirsty, just like they created it to be.

She had one too, I realized in that moment. A demon of her own. It was controlling her movements. Pushing the gun against the sweaty skin of his forehead.

I took a step forward, unable to stop myself.

“I know who you are,” she said, her voice so low I could barely make it out. “You’ve been stalking them for weeks. Leaving comments on their social media profiles.Youwanted to send a message?” She let out a laugh. “You’re no better than the so-calledmonstersyou’re trying to save us from.”

Icy coldness trickled down my spine and mixed with the shock swirling within me. But there was something else deep inside me that was just coming to the surface. Something warm. Something that caused tingles to run through my body and curl in my stomach.

They created the demon inside me, but they sure as hell never meant for it to react like this.

“Please,please, let me go! I have a family!”

She shook her head. “They wouldn’t miss you,” she spat. “I’ve seen the disgusting comments you leave about his wife. The rape threats. Maybe I would be doing the world a favor.”

It was arousal and excitement that filled me. Seeing her mask finally snap in two and give me a glimpse of what lies hidden below was a fantasy I didn’t understand just how much I yearned for until it was right in front of me.

The darkness that was exuding from her was something I had never seen before and reminded me—well, it reminded me of myself.

I saw the way I looked at my targets reflected back at me in those green pools. I saw the slight twist of my lips gracing her own face.

I couldn’t pull my eyes away from the image. I was getting lost in her. Counting the blood splatters on her cheeks. Letting myself swim in the anger brimming her eyes.

This is personal.

She was taking something out on this man that had nothing to do with the family she was protecting.

Then I heard it. Footsteps closing in. And they weren’t too far away.

But Blake didn’t notice. She was glaring at the man. Her finger was brushing against the trigger.

I turned back the way I came, my eyes searching the dingy back alleyway until they rested on some tin trash cans.Perfect.Acting fast, I jogged over and delivered a kick right to the side of one, causing both to tumble over in a loud crash.

Silence filled the air. Blake’s movements had stopped. I heard her sharp intake of breath before the shuffling.

“Hands behind your back,” Blake ordered.

I looked back toward the mouth of the alleyway but I was too far away to see her. As much as I wanted to go back and see her, I instead pulled out my phone and opened the email I received earlier.

With a small chuckle, I pressed “Reject” and stuffed the phone back into my pocket.

I’ll find you soon, little agent. Wait for me.


“She rejected?” I echoed as Sloan’s message came through on my phone.