Noah didn’t reply. He needed to find her. Where could she have gone?

He turned the corner and ran smack into his father.Great.

“Move, I don’t have time for this,” he said.

“Time for what? The wedding is supposed to start any minute.”

Noah scoffed. “We need a bride in order to have a wedding.”

Richard’s face grew red with anger. “You lost the bride?” He gripped Noah’s arm tightly and dragged him into a small lounge room. “Explain.”

Noah hadn’t seen this kind of rage from his father since he was a child. However, it wasn’t as scary to him anymore.

Nothing was more terrifying than losing Sophie.

“I don’t have time to explain, I have to find her.” Noah tried to shove past him but Richard stopped him.

“You better. And you better remind her about the contract she signed.”

Noah stopped dead in his tracks. “What?”

“Contracts are binding, Noah. You just need to find her and force her to go through with it.”

“I’m not going to force Sophie to marry me,” he said in disbelief.

“You will if you want that promotion.”

Noah’s face scrunched in confusion. “You’re threatening me?”

“No, I’m giving you a piece of reality. This is the way the world works, Noah.”

“You think that I would force the mother ofmy childto marry me, just so that I can get a promotion?”

Richard waved his hand dismissively. “Please, that child is no more yours than you are mine.”

Noah laughed. “You know what, Dad? Keep the CEO title. I don’t want it.”

“A planned marriage worked out perfectly fine for your mother and I,” his father replied, ignoring him.

“Did it?” Noah questioned. “Because of your marriage, I’m about to lose the most important person in my life.”

Richard scoffed. “You’re blaming me?”

“Yes, I am blaming you! Sophie left because she thinks that I don’t love her. In fact, I told her that I didn’t love her when I knew I did. Because I was so afraid of turning into you. Of being incapable of caring for the ones I love.”

“I don’t see how this is my fault, Noah.”

“You’re right. This is my fault. It’s my fault for ever idolizing you,” he admitted. “For believing that if I became successful enough, I would earn your affection or even gain some respect.”

“Well, this stunt certainly isn’t going to win my favor.”

“Don’t worry. You have nothing I find desirable anymore. You weren’t a good father, a good husband, or even a good person. I thought that work would fulfill me. That success meant everything. But what happens when you finally get it, huh? Who’s going to be left? Who’s going to be there for you when you need them? Money can’t buy you love.”

“Love has nothing to do with it,” Richard said coolly. “This is business.”

“Well, maybe that’s the difference between me and you. Because for me, love has everything to do with it. I love Sophie. And I’m going to love our child. And he’s going to grow up knowing that he never has to fight for my love the way that I did for yours.” He noticed his father’s eyes widen slightly at that. “Now, I’m going to find Sophie so I can tell her this myself. But I want you to know that even if she does take me back, this wedding isn’t happening.”

“You can’t be serious, Noah. Do you know how bad this is going to look? How many people are here?”