“When are you going to get it?!” Noah said, practically yelling now. “None of that matters to me anymore. The only thing I care about is getting Sophie to take me back. Look, my proposal stands but I won’t force her to marry me. And if we do decide to get married, we will do so on our own terms.”

“Very well. Have it your way,” Richard growled.

His father left the room and Noah stood still. He knew he should move, that he needed to go find Sophie, but he just needed to take it all in. He had finally stood up to his father. And for the first time, he had said, out loud, that he loved her.

I love her. Seeing that note had shattered him. Had terrified him in a way that he never thought possible. What if she was gone for good?

The door creaked behind him and he spun.

Sophie was standing there in a white silky robe. Like an angel and the answer to his prayers all in one.

“Sophie?” he breathed.

Her hair was pinned up perfectly, but her makeup was smeared with mascara and fresh tears.

“I thought you left.” He didn’t know what to say. How to fix this. Where to even start.

“I did, but I came back for my grandmother’s clip,” She held it up for him to see.

“Oh,” he said.

She hadn’t returned because she’d changed her mind.

“Did you really mean all that, what you said to your father?”

She’d been listening?

“Yes, I did. Every word.”

Tears poured down her face. He couldn’t believe that he had caused her so much pain. He was tempted to drop to her feet and beg for her forgiveness.

Sophie shook her head as he stepped towards her. “I don’t know—”

Noah paused before rushing towards her, seizing her shoulders. “I know that I hurt you. And I am so sorry, Sophie. But I need you to hear me out. Please.”

She didn’t reply but she nodded. Even when crying, she was the most beautiful woman in the world.

He took a deep breath, preparing to finally tell her everything.

“Look, I thought that I needed to be successful to be happy. I never understood love because I never had it before. But the truth is, I am completely in love with you… and that terrified me for a while. I thought that I could shove it down and ignore it but I can’t. And after seeing the note you left, I realized that I don’t want to be without you.”



Noah loved her?

Her mind was still taking it all in. After everything she’d heard him say to his father and what he was saying now, she was confused.

“You told me that you didn’t love me…” Her voice was so low it was almost a whisper.

“I know. I was scared. But I’m not anymore. Sophie, I need you in my life. I want to drink coffee with you in the morning, I want to teach you how to golf, I want us to explore that little island together… And I want to marry you and raise this child together.”

“You do?”

“Yes, but not like this.”

Sophie’s heart dropped slightly.