“There’s a woman at the front bar, boss.” His whispers were loud enough to pierce through the blaring music. “She’s insisting on viewing the CCTV footage from a month ago. She says there’s someone she wants to find.”
I massaged my forehead. I was too exhausted for female drama tonight. “Bring her to my office.”
He nodded and walked away.
Maxim looked at me suspiciously. “You’re not intending to give her what she’s looking for, are you?”
I stood up, smoothened my shirt, and glared at him. “I’m not stupid, Maxim.”
He smiled. “You might be. You’re lovesick, after all.”
“You’d be dead by now for saying that if you weren’t my brother.”
He leaned back in his seat, his smile darkening a bit. “You’d be dead for threatening me if you weren’t my brother.”
I sighed. I loved Maxim so much that I’d take a bullet or two for him, but we got along the least out of my brothers. Love was a crazy thing, my fists craved to collide with his face, but I’d kill anyone if they dared to hurt him.
“Enough both of you.” Sergey’s eyes met mine. “Fuck off and see what your guest wants.”
I glared at Maxim one more time. My idiotic brother was still smiling when I strode to my office and sat on my oak desk, my veins twitching with fury as I waited for her to come in.
I had no intention of handing the footage over to her, but whoever this woman was, I needed to teach her not to cause a nuisance around my business premises. She was lucky she was a woman, more men had died for less at my hands.
The door opened, allowing the music to pour in louder than before. Mikhail walked in, and then… My fucking God.Giselle?
Giselle walked in behind him.
Our eyes met briefly, and that was all it took for my heart to start speeding. Her fair skin glowed like freshly baked vanilla bread, and her dark hair glinted off the overhead light.
She wasn’t dressed like an office girl tonight. She wore a little black dress that stopped above her knee and a silver ankle strap heel, nothing too fancy. Still, tearing my eyes off her was a struggle. I wanted to drink her in.
She smiled at Mikhail. “Thank you.”
Mikhail ignored her smile and gave me a look before disappearing from the office and shutting the door behind him.
She stood still in front of the door for a while, holding onto the strap of her purse as if for dear life. I wasn’t certain if she’d realized she wasn’t breathing.
“Are you going to stand there and stare at me all night?”
She drew in a stuttered breath. “Um. No.” She walked to the mesh chair across my desk and sat on it, bringing the scent of lavender with her. “I’m sorry for barging in like this. I didn’t know you—”
“You didn’t know I owned this place,” I helped her complete her sentence, regarding her like an artwork. She was fucking gorgeous.
“Yeah.” She swiped her tongue across her lips, and my cock twitched in my slacks.
Holy fuck.
“How may I help you, Ms. Cruz?”Wrong question.“What do you need the CCTV footage for?”
Her eyes widened, as if surprised, I remembered her name. “I don’t need the CCTV anymore.” She played with the clutch on her purse absent-mindedly. “It’s you I wanted to see.”
“What for?” Had she missed me? Most women I’d slept with usually couldn’t stay away and tried to reach me for another round or something more. I wouldn’t be surprised if Giselle was just like the rest of them.
She cleared her throat and shifted in her seat. “Look, what I’m about to tell you is something a bit sensitive. It was never my intention I swear.”
I narrowed my eyes on her. “Are you HIV positive?”
She shook her head. “No.”