“Did you approach me because a rival set you up to it?” On one hand, she didn’t seem like she could hurt a fly, but the innocent looking ones were the deadliest. Never judge a book by its cover.

She scrunched her brows. “Jesus Christ. No. Why would a rival send me to you? Are you part of the mafia or something?” I was about to say yes when she cut me off. “I’m pregnant.”

My lungs lurched. “You’re what?”

“P.R.E.G.N.A.N.T. Pregnant!” She spelled it out. “See, I know what this looks like, but I swear, it’s been a huge shock for me. We were both drunk, and we didn’t think to use protection.”

Silence passed between us as I tried to process what I’d just heard. “Are you shitting me right now?”

Our eyes fell to her hand at the same time. They were trembling, so she hid them under the table. “I’m not shitting you.”

My stomach flipped with an emotion I couldn’t quite wrap my head around. A euphoric sensation rose inside me at the thought of being a father, but it was coupled with the fear that none of this was real.

I didn’t know anything about this woman, I wasn’t supposed to feel any hint of excitement hearing she was pregnant. Right?

But why did my chest tickle with excitement?

“Are you certain the baby you’re carrying is mine?” was the only logical question I could ask.

She nodded. “It’s still too early for a DNA test, but you can arrange for one in two weeks just to be sure.” She closed her eyes, inhaled, and opened them. “I’d have never put either of us in this situation, but I’m struggling right now and can’t afford to have a baby alone.”

Her determination piqued my curiosity. “Why do you want to have a baby you can’t afford?”

She maintained eye contact. “I never met my dad. My mom is dead, and I have no family left. This baby is the only family I’ll ever have. It’s true I didn’t plan to have a baby, but now I’m pregnant, I can’t give up on this baby.” Her voice broke as she spoke.

I regarded her quietly for a moment. I admired that she was determined to have our baby despite her circumstances. I also understood her. I had my brothers with me and a nephew, but I hadn’t been able to fill the emptiness in my heart since my parents died.

Although I’d never thought of starting a family unless necessary, I’d also had times when I thought that maybe having a family of my own would fill the gap in my heart.

Everything was happening so unexpectedly, but I wanted to have this baby with Giselle, and I wanted her by my side so we could raise it together. I’d lived for my brothers, maybe it happened this way so I could finally start living for myself.

I’d found a purpose—a family—and I was ready to devout my life to both Giselle and our baby. “You don’t have to be sorry.” Her gaze flickered to mine, and I continued. “You can have the baby.”

She raised her brows. “But?”

“But you’ll have to marry me.”

She shifted in her chair. “This is not the time to try and be funny.”

“I’m not trying to be funny.”

She scoffed and swallowed. “You are. How do you expect us to get married to each other when I don’t even know your name or anything else about you.”

“I’ll tell you everything you need to know.” I softened my voice to ease the tension in the air. “I’m Nikolai Vadim. Consigliere to my brother, who happens to be the head of the Bratva.”

“Bratva.” Her jaw slackened. “You’re part of the mafia.”

“I am.” I glanced at her stomach. She had her hand wrapped around it protectively. “You’re pregnant with my child, which means you’ll have no choice but to marry me for your safety and the baby’s. Plus, I need an heir.”

She huffed out a bitter laugh. “I’m starting to think I shouldn’t have come here.” She stood up and hung her purse on her shoulder. “Forget we ever met because I’m never going to marry you.”

“I didn’t give you an option.”

She nodded. “You didn’t. You’re crazy, and my life is too complicated for crazy.”

Chapter 6 - Giselle

“I really do think he’s crazy,” I said, placing my cup of macchiato and plate of brownies on the coffee table in front of me. “Who asks a stranger to marry them just like that?”