Page 25 of Brazen Indulgences

Fair enough and not my problem to solve. They all had made that clear and that they didn’t want me to change the way I behaved. It was their cross to bear as they phrased it repeatedly.

I had my own.

I thanked him and agreed they could help all they wanted or had time for. Knowing the angels they had lots of time or would make it to protect me.

That made me feel special.

Really special, and I needed that.


Saturday morning, I walked into ISLE headquarters after checking that the director was in. I waited until then because I hoped it would be quieter and less likely I’d see people I didn’t want to… And I didn’t mean just Dylan though he was top of the list.

There were others that had been at the raid of the vampire coven in LA that didn’t have the best opinion of me. Others who were talking trash about me since they were fans of Dylan.

I just didn’t want to deal with any of it.

I honestly wanted to make Director Stevens come to me, but I was a prideful pain in the ass sometimes no matter how well I did compared to others. I wasn’t going to let my personal life stop progress that supes needed.

But I was salty since I didn’t think ISLE deserved the help I was about to give them either.

Regret swarmed me when the elevator stopped at the third floor and Dylan stood there looking as handsome as ever. Shock was all over his face, and for a moment I had hope he would be too surprised to move and I could get away.


He stuck his hand to stop the closing doors at the last second and got on. He opened his mouth to say something but saw what button was pushed, and his desire to smash the elevator overwhelmed me.

“Don’t,” I whispered when he opened his mouth, steam about coming out of his ears. “It’s professional.” I glanced at him and couldn’t hide my disdain, studying him as if not able to see the person I’d once known even.

I’d made one shit comment when I’d been hurt and I’d apologized. And yet he truly thought I was here on a Saturday to fuck his boss?

Seriously? How had I been so wrong about him?

“Right, no, you’relivingwith Mason at your villa,” he bit out. “Why would you need Phil?” He snorted when I didn’t do anything but watch the floors go by. “Nothing to say to that?”

“I don’t answer to you nor need to explain myself to you, Deputy Director. Though I think it’s a shame that you aren’t learning from your mistakes that your mouth has gotten you in enough trouble. Especially since you don’t bother to clean up the messes you make and instead blame the other person for everything.” The instant the elevator doors opened, I walked off.

Phil was dropping something off on his assistant’s desk and froze when he saw us. He let out a heavy sigh as if realizing he wasn’t going to have an easy Saturday to get caught up on work now.

Yeah, I felt the same.

“I have matters we need to discuss, but going forward, I’m going to ask you come to me,” I told him. “I know it’s inconvenient, but given how hostile ISLE is for me, I just—”

“I get it,” he agreed. “What did you need, Dylan? Can it wait?”

“What do you need to share with him on a Saturday when you can be alone in his office?” Dylan demanded, ignoring his boss and still focused on me.

“We’re not fucking,” we both snapped, shocked the other said it.

Soclearly, Dylan had said more to Phil. Wow.

I let out a slow breath and met Dylan’s pissed off gaze with my own. “I madeoneshit comment because you hurt me. I’ve apologized. Seriously, enough. You haven’t even apologized or—”

“How could I when you’veblocked me?” he bit out.

“Why didn’t you before I did?” I snapped. “That was part of the reason I ended things. You just—we’re not doing this here. I’m not doing it at all. You’re just going to blame me for everything and yell at me. Break a fridge or—” I turned to Director Stevens. “Do you want to come get this information later?”

“No, he’s not going to your house to—”