Page 24 of Brazen Indulgences

I nodded in agreement. “I saw a dancer skimming the tip share.”

“Brazen,” Kiera muttered.

“They put my age at forty,” I told her. “Most wouldn’t have the vision I do at forty.” I tapped my arm where they both knew I had dampeners from Elijah to make it clear he locked away more of my power so I read weaker for this. “I want someone inside as a customer.”

“That’s not your norm,” Kiera hedged.

“No, but I’m not worrying about a murderer,” I chuckled. “And this is just a quick gig. We could pull them all in and question them all we want, but this is the easiest way to keep business going and not let gossip get out that we’re having problems. Plus, I had a few private dances stolen as well.”

“Did you report it?” Natalia checked. “Maybe they were testing you.” She sighed when I told her what happened. “Yeah, they have problems there all right. But something on her or in the club blocking it would absolutely have messed with anyone being able to tell.”

“Besides shifters, and if they’re in league with her…” Kiera shrugged as if that said it all.

And it really did. Plus, we didn’t just sit around and do nothing else.

The next day, I did some digging and found that there was a global energy company that had some other products that would be a good excuse for some new faces showing up at the club. I would need to dig a bit to see if it was plausible, but any city had people coming and going for business.

I actually asked Owen and Evan if they could spend some time there as the same person when I wasn’t working to get what they could of the employees and see what they wanted. To say they were shocked I wanted them to go watch other women undress was an understatement.

Like I cared. They weren’t going to touch or do anything bad. They hadamplechances at their own damn club.

I also wanted to talk to Rocco, the Alpha of the ancient cheetah pack in Rome we were dealing well with. He was doing the same at the LA club, and so far it seemed like we’d gotten all of the problems handled there. If he went in a few times to act like a baller when I was working, the tip share should jump drastically.

If it didn’t… Well, we knew it was a regular thing, and Lisa was turning a blind eye or getting a piece of the action, and that would be enough to arrest people and make big moves.

And luckily, we always had several backup managers ready to go for clubs who either covered vacations or emergencies like these. Normally, it was people waiting for a new club to open who would take a permanent spot, but we had a handful who liked never settling into one club and always something different. Taking a few weeks here or there, or then working with helping at corporate.

That would have been what I wanted too if that was the place I was in at in my life. How Kiera constantly handled the same thing day in and day out even at such a huge club like Berlin… I just didn’t know. I’d be exhausted from how tedious it could be but also tired from the monotony.

A few of Kyle’s guys were going to speak with the demons who had worked at the club previously and see what they could get out of them. All they had to do was make it clear they weren’t in trouble or under suspicion and we wouldn’t tell anyone what they said, and most people wanted the chance to clear their conscience.

Most truly did. The whole thing about people feeling guilty for snitching was bullshit. That came from bad people. Mostgoodpeople didn’t like sitting on bad information that could end up hurting someone.

That was probably the leading cause of ulcers.

I laughed when I went to feed from the angels and a few were a bit miffed that I didn’t invite them to the “fun” of my undercover work when they wouldn’t get in the way.

“How are you?” David asked me when we were alone later. He gave me a look not to lie to him. “We’ve been worried.”

“I am too, and being able to say that finally is a big step for me. I hear everyone that this will only get worse unless I really take care of myself and what’s going on with me. I am. Slowly. I’m not jumping into everything as heavy, but I won’t be able to focus if I leave too much to everyone else that they can’t handle either.”

“We would like to help,” he told me, nodding when I couldn’t hide my shock. “We’ve never had children and we’re not your biological uncles, but we would like to join in this fight. No, cause. It has always hurt my soul that demons were so mistreated and a lot of times by my own siblings. Other supes took advantage of that. You—we have a chance now to help.”

“I’m never too stupid or prideful to turn away good help,” I chuckled when he seemed ready for me to argue. “I just don’t know how you can or what is the best way for you to help.”

“We can be of use in many ways,” he chuckled, kissing my forehead.

“Of course, you can, I just—”

“You’re overwhelmed and stretched too thin. Yes, that is what we want to help with. I simply wanted to speak with you first since we were the first to meet and how we all became friends.” He cupped my face before giving me a slow, deep kiss. “I could never disrespect you by going around you as others have. It hurts you too much after all you’ve been through.”

I was too sensitive to it. That was what he was saying nicely. “Thank you, David.” I kissed him and it got heated, feeding from him as well since I knew he could take it. I was confused when he suddenly pushed me away.

He cleared his throat and looked away. “Sorry, you make me lose my head, dear sweet Jasmine.”

“Oh, I didn’t mean—”

“Never apologize for making me feel as a man should,” he said gently. “The design flaw wasn’tyours. I’m… It’s not even my fault. It’s also—we were going numb. We were fading in a way and turned robotic. You and your friends have brought us back to life. It’s simply surprising at times when I have such strong reactions or urges.”