Page 71 of Brazen Indulgences

I called it but then told that guy to hold up, saying his name rang a bell and there was something in his background check Lewis wanted to go over. He seemed shocked, and the nerves coming off of him made it clear to everyone there that it was legit.

“Don’t bother running,” I sighed when he took a step away and his desires were full of it.

Luckily, someone else grabbed him before he could, and the guy had ranked pretty low, so it wasn’t hard. The demon who handed him over gave me a look as if saying I should tell the group. Yeah, now that it went like this, the rumors could be worse than the truth.

“He forged his addendum and signed a different name, already contacting his council,” I explained. “This isn’t a witch hunt or anything other than training, but he came here worried we would find out, and we can sense that.”

Everyone seemed to accept that pretty well and headed out.

“Tell Lewis that you need his addendum and what’s going on before turning him over to ISLE,” I told the demon who had been aiding me.

“Got it, boss.”

“I want to speak to my council,” the shifter growled, trying to lunge at me while being restrained.

I gave him a dead look. “I don’t fucking care what you want, you piece of shit. You’re not getting out of this. You didn’t even have the balls to reject the addendum. You’reon camerasigning it. It still would have held up in court, idiot. You had the intent and witnesses signing it. Just because you put a different name and signed it so sloppily that we couldn’t tell doesn’t mean shit.”

The look he gave me likeIwas the moron who didn’t understand reality was not even funny. He didn’t even understand how he could be in trouble for fraud. He thought we were taking him in for being a council spy.

Idiot. His council hadn’t even really told him to do anything yet. He’d talked to an aide when he’d finally had the balls to call them.

Maybe it was harder to find good spies than I’d thought.

“Sorry we missed the fun in Naples,” Evan said as I approached him.

“We’ll do it again,” I said easily. “If nothing else, just for the food. I ate enough for like fifty humans. Seriously, even like professional competitive eaters. Kiera and I were just stuffing carbs in our mouths like we never had before.”

“Glad you had fun,” he chuckled. “Your baby misses you.”

“Can we go see him?” I asked, smiling when he nodded.

We went to his condo, and I got a chance to play with Mudbug while he gave me all the dirt he got off people. He got a lot more than I would have thought. Demons could sense desires, but in a group it wasn’t easy, and the person had to be focused on it right then. Elves got a bigger picture, like Evan told me who had worries weighing on them but not about the training or being in corporate.

Which meant they could be vulnerable. Was it something financial that a council could exploit or their lover was acting weird and maybe they were a problem? It could be nothing. They needed a new computer, and buying something like that could be overwhelming and worried people they’d waste their money. Evan was honest that it wasn’t conclusive like that, but it was enough to give us needed information.

We talked for a bit more and took Mudbug for a walk, both of us laughing as he played in the light dusting of snow Denver had had.

I wanted to stay longer, but there was so much to do. I said as much and promised to see him soon, giving him a soft kiss and swallowing shock at what I sensed from him. Elves were harder for me to read, but his desire was so strong that I felt it.

And it wasn’t about anything naughty.

Evan wanted to keep doing what he had today instead of being a nightclub owner. He felt more fulfilled doing something useful to help people and keep supes safe. Plus, the nightlife of owning a club was grating on him. He wasn’t having fun with it anymore and didn’t know how to tell Owen that he wanted to sell the club.

Wow. Just… Wow.

Apparently, I wasn’t the only one who was making major changes in her life. Part of me wondered if I was the catalyst for others around me. Mason. Kiera. And now Evan?

I wasn’t making it something selfish or like I was awesome. It was easier to push for what you wanted even if it was hard when you saw others around you doing it and it worked out for them. Change was terrifying and hard. A lot of times it wasn’t worth the outcome, and that was why a lot of people stayed in their ruts or unfavorable circumstances.

I didn’t blame people for that most times. I knew too many looked down at those who didn’t change their circumstances, but it wasn’t as easy as fucking opening a damn door. There was a lot ofriskin doing that, and more times than not, people could make their situations worse.

That was too big of a risk for most.

It had been for me for a long time.

Evan didn’t seem ready to discuss it or know what he was really feeling, so I didn’t address it. Just because people felt something it didn’t mean they wanted to talk about it or even think about it.

I respected that as long as it wasn’t something dangerous or worrying.