Page 70 of Brazen Indulgences

Well, he was out of a job after this was over. Hell, I was taking him to ISLE for fraud. I wasn’t going to do it in front of everyone because that would get around and out this training as a net to catch bad apples.

It was meant to actually work with them and train but yeah, it was more than that.


“We’ve found some areas that have become lax when we’ve been auditing the clubs,” I told them loudly. “And as we’ve warned you, we also anticipate people coming to challenge the clubs and some issues now that we’ve come out as a council. That means our security needs to be in top shape to protect our employees and I include you in that.

“Someone who is well trained keepsthemselves safefirst and foremost. So while some of you see this as an annoyance and waste of your time because you’re so awesome, you also can’t take me.” I gave them a minute to settle with that. “Youcannot take me. I’m under a hundred and stronger than all of you, better trained than most of you.”

I shook my head when I felt the anger and rage from that handful of jerks. Always with the fucking pride.

I met their anger head on with my gaze. “So what, man? Is it that I’m younger? Female? Who fucking cares? There willalwaysbe someone who can take you even if it’s not me. I have someone who can take me too. That’s life and reality.”

“This isn’t fight training but damage control,” Orion cut in, giving me a curious look.

I nodded, forgetting he was there. “It’s both. There’s a lot to learn from sparring, but sparring with someone better than you is very helpful. But yes, eventually, I do want to hold these at a club and let them try to figure out how to handle the situation there.” I glanced around at the confused group. “How do you handle a demon who is supercharged like me?

“Do you attack me directly? No, that would be stupid. You should work as a team, but what else should you do? Who gets people out? Who does what? That’s what we need to start training for better. If a team of the tiger council guards shows up—who have their shit together, believe me—and try to take the club, how do youdelay themand get everyone out?”

Even a few of the jerks seemed to think this wasn’t as much bullshit then.

Idiots. I was too busy to waste my time.

“For now, I’m going to give you a one-to-ten ranking,” I told them. “If you care more about your pride of what that number is than what it represents, you’re an idiot. We need people to be seven or higher given the change in climate and the threats coming at us. So if you’renot, you need to focus on how to fucking fix that. Fast.”

One of Kyle’s guys was there with me as my aide and called the first name.

The shifter looked put out that we were naming him first, but I promised it was just alphabetical. He chilled a bit then and we squared off.

Unfortunately, he was a four. He signaled his hits way too easily and took what he thought was easy without seeing that I was leading him into opening himself up. He was strong and probably played sports, so he took that as being able to take hits and not understanding fighting was different.

“Is my point made, or do I need to really hurt you and lay you out before you could realize it was happening?” I asked as I studied him.

“No, I get it,” he said quietly. “But what do I do about it?”

“We’re going to help you with that just as we do the dancers,” I promised. “And not just for the clubs. Knowing this has saved my life many,manytimes. We want our people safe.” I nodded when he thanked me and the next person was called.

I was glad when she was kick ass. We didn’t have many female security, so I was glad when the ones we had were aces. The world was sexist and most thought men for security, but I understood it when it was a strip club. Most would assume she was a dancer, and she probably got hassled a bit too much. I wouldn’t have wanted that, but she didn’t seem to care from her desires.

“Awesome,” I praised as I stepped away. “Give her a nine.” I nodded when her eyes flashed shock. “You’re patient with controlled movements and clearly wanted to use your endurance to tire me out while not wasting your energy. That works well on the vast majority of people. Hell, I use it all of the time. It’s the smartest way for you guys to handle things so backup can arrive and less of a chance you’re injured.”

“Thank you, Councilwoman,” she said, dipping her head to me.

“Where did you train?” I smiled when she hesitated. “You’re a shifter, but you could hold out against untrained demons, give them a run for their money for sure. That’s impressive.”

“I was kicked out of my pack young for not mating who I was told to,” she admitted. “I fell into an underground supe fighting ring. That’s where I was trained.”

I nodded. “If you know how to contact any of them, we’re looking for trainers. I don’t have the time, and everyone we have is busy.” I gestured over to Orion. “We called in more help already so yes, I’m serious.”

“There are a few who might be willing,” she admitted. “I will call and make the introduction.”

I thanked her and we moved on. It was hard not to get annoyed when the guy was clueless and I marked him as a one. So basically, he filled the doorway. Yeah, that was fine for checking IDs and even restraining rowdy humans but… How could you ever work a security job and not have a clue how to handle a fight? Seriously.

And it annoyed me that we’d hired him.

Overall, it wasn’t as good as I’d hoped but not as bad as I feared. A lot of work was needed, and at least most of them seemed to understand that.

Even a few of the bad apples who had started off like jerks.