Page 12 of Brazen Indulgences

Why take that on ourselves when we had enough headaches? The answer was simple but not the one I’d give him. A vampire that the vampire council with very loose morals didn’t like wasn’t someone good for demons either.

“Because you kept your word with us,” I answered instead. “You cleaned up the mess made, and I heard you went yourself to a known problem and confronted it. We won’t ever be shopping buddies—especially because I hate shopping—but you kept your word with us and that carries a lot of weight.

“So as long as you realize this is the cookie I’m giving you for being a good boy and not something to spin around later that I’m your pretty pet, understand that this is how we roll.” I shrugged when anger filled his eyes. Yes, that was shitty and petty to say, but that was the world we lived in, and I got that crap all of the fucking time. “I would ask you stay here though.”

“She’ll wear a live feed you can watch,” Elijah added, shaking his head when the guy argued. “If you go in with her, it makes it look like we needed your permission—which we don’t—or you waited to consult us. You did, but we both know that’s smart, but if he’s an asshole, he’ll spin that.”

“Fine, but why is the youngest of you going on?” a different vampire asked.

“Because if the oldest goes in, it gives him too much validity,” Gavin answered, his gaze on mine.

I glanced at Elijah and waited until he nodded. “Yes, but as you saw from the fight before, I’m also more powerful than the average demon my age. It won’t be long before people figure it out, but we’re not announcing that I’m a child of an angel and a demon. And both were no slouches.”

I left it at that no matter the slew of questions I was sure they had.


Twenty minutes later, I was at the coven house with a team and ready to throw down for whatever we found.

“You have no right to be here, so turn around and get lost,” the guard at the door told me.

Before anyone could even think to react or even smirk, my hand shot out and I collapsed his throat. The guy crumbled to his knees and tried to suck in air as I ignored him and looked at the other guy.

“I just identified myself as a councilwoman of the demon council. Please be smarter than your friend here and speak to me with some fucking respect or you’ll piss me off.” I raised an eyebrow at the guard when he opened his mouth. “Would you speak to the wolf shifter council members that way?” I smirked when the guy froze. “Of course not.”

“I apologize for his rudeness, Councilwoman, but you don’t have the authority to order us to let you in,” he said, dipping his head to me.

“That’s debatable, but I didn’t actually order that,” I reminded him. “I said I’m here to see the demon that resides here. If you don’t want to let us in, fine, but then bring her to us.”

“Our leader informed the council that—”

“She doesn’t want to leave and is very happy here,” I interjected. “Yes, I heard. I’m also not a fucking idiot and would just trust the word of the coven leaders. They areall saying that. Like, no shit that’s their response. We’re doing welfare checks. I want to speak toherand hear it from her lips. If she wants to stay, great, awesome.”

“Really?” he hedged.

“Yes, really,” I drawled. “I’ll leave the information on how to contact us if there’s ever a problem likeyou knowhow to contact your council. We’re doing it for all the demons we can. If there’s not a problem here and she’s willing, great.” I leaned in when he still hesitated. “But if you don’t let me see one of mine and she’s in this coven, I will burn it to the ground to get her out. And yes,I can.”

“I will inform the coven leader of this—”

“Why?” I purred. “Does he own her?” I smirked at him when worry filled his eyes. “Let him know what’s going on in his house if you want, but enough with the games. Bring her herenowor I go in and get her. I’m a busy woman, and your coven leader is just a fucking coven leader. This is not the only coven we’re visiting either, savvy?”

“Yes, Councilwoman,” he accepted, talking into the radio and informing whomever that he needed Synda, who was the demon, and the coven leader to the front entrance immediately.

The coven leader came on the radio and I snatched it from the guard. “Get to the door now or I will burn this coven house to the ground to speak with one of mine. I’m a councilwoman doing a welfare check on a demon and I’m well within my rights. Enough with the games. I want to see her with my own eyes and speak with her that she’s fine. Do it or die. Clear enough for you?”

He took his sweet time but wasn’t stupid enough to take more than ten minutes.

That was fine, we had people cloaked checking out the place.

Duh, of course, we were.

He didn’t dip his head to me, clearly expecting me to greet him like I was beneath him. “I’m—”

“I don’t care. I asked forher,” I said, pointing to the woman being escorted behind him. I smiled at the woman. “Synda, was it?”

“Yes, that’s me,” she whispered, glancing at the coven leader like she was scared she said the wrong thing.

“Nice to meet you, hon,” I greeted, moving closer and extending my hand. “I’m Councilwoman Jasmine Stewart. Demons have officially organized and have a council now, so we’re doing some due diligence and welfare checks, okay?”