Page 13 of Brazen Indulgences

“I’m in trouble?” she worried.

“Not at all,” I assured her, reaching forward and taking her hand when she didn’t want to shake it. I was immediately overwhelmed with too much. “Do you want to stay here?”

Her eyes flashed shock and she gasped. “Yes, of course!”

“You heard her, now leave and—” he chuckled as he moved his arm around her.

“Let her go and step back,” I told him, my voice cold and deadly. “And if you don’t start addressing me properly, I will rip off your leg and beat you with it.” I smirked at him. “Can vampires heal from that?”

He swallowed loudly and moved away.

“No, please, don’t leave me,” she whimpered, reaching for him.

I caught her by the shoulders and made her focus on me. “He’s fine. He just didn’t speak to a councilwoman as he should.” I waited until he nodded. “Synda, are you treated well here?”

“Oh yes, he loves me very much.”

I swallowed loudly as I felt her desires. Tears filled my eyes as I cupped her face. “Honey, that’s not love.”

“It is,” she argued.

“It’s not.” I gestured over to where Kyle was standing. “Do you see that man?” I waited until she glanced over and nodded. “I love him. We’re not in love, but he’s one of my best friends. Focus on me. Focus on my desires when it comes to him and see the difference.”

But she couldn’t. Horror filled me as I realized that she not only didn’t know how to use her powers that were likebreathingto a demon, she was like a hollow doll inside.

“It’s different because I love him.”

I swallowed loudly when I felt the coven leader’s smug satisfaction. “Prove it to me then. Tell me how you met, what he does for you—everything. Prove to me that your love is real and that he doesn’t abuse you and I’ll only check your IDs are updated and leave you with him.”

Hope shined in her eyes and her mouth got ahead of her brainwashing to be careful as she blabbered on about how perfect their love was.

The more she talked, the more bile that gathered and wanted to come up.

He had bought her when she wasn’t even a demon yet, so underage, and groomed her. She had been fourteen and he’d groomed her, touching her way too young, and then luck was she was a lust demon, and he kept her instead of disposing of heras he had others. To her, that proved their love was real and meant to be.

To us, that meant he’d committed a lot of fucking crimes.

But it was so much worse. He treated her like a doll. A doll he fucked and used as a weapon whenever he wanted, and otherwise they all laughed at her and she didn’t even understand it. What she told me was… It was so damn obvious.

“We found three other underage women that were bought and said to be born of angels and humans,” one of the demons with us said. “One iselevenand he’s already grooming her.”

“You have others?” Synda gasped, looking at the coven leader with such pain in her eyes. “But you only did that to find me? You told me so.”

“He lied, honey,” I said gently. “He doesn’t love you. He’s been using you.” I knocked her out before she could understand what was going on. She’d been held for over a hundred years and brainwashed since she was fourteen.

I honestly didn’t know if we could save her, but it wasn’t something we could do easily or just by talking to her. It would take a lot to deprogram someone like her.


I handed her off to one of the other demons and knocked out the coven leader before he could even react. I turned to the guard who had called him and gave him a hard look. “Lock down the coven. Your council will be in contact. No one enters or flees or it will be your head.”

“I don’t have the authority to do that,” he worried. “The coven leader set it up that if the council was to get involved…”

I nodded that I understood, glancing at Kyle. “Get more here and catch any rats fleeing. I’ll talk to the vampire council and see how they want to handle this.”

“Yes, Councilwoman.” He swallowed loudly, nodding to Synda. “And her?”

“We’ll try our best but he—the program he built was effective.” I glanced at the guard. “Are there any other demons?”