When his joyous noises subsided to soft chuckles, Moon looked up at Chen, a gasp tripping from his throat while his eyes widened.

Chen drew in a breath to ask what was wrong. But he never got the chance.

Moon’s hand shot out to grasp the back of his head. Moon drew him in while rising on the tips of his toes. Their lips met in a soft kiss that had Chen’s eyes widening, his breath freezing in his lungs. What?

His brain raced in frantic circles as he tried to figure out how to react or even understand what was happening.

Moon was kissing him.


No, why? Why was Moon kissing him?

The kiss was too brief. His brain was too full of surprise and confusion to pay attention to the kiss itself. Was it good? Should he have done more?

Oh God, what if he’d forgotten how to kiss in the first place? When was the last time he’d even done such a thing?

Moon broke off the too-quick kiss and continued to smile up at him. At the very least, he didn’t appear disappointed.

“Why did you do that?” Chen blurted out before he could catch the words.

“Because you smiled. Really, truly smiled at me. I wanted to taste it,” Moon replied. He shifted to where he’d been leaning against the island. “Plus, no matter how much you argue, you did save me from those vampires. You also understand that my friends—while sometimes annoying—don’t mean any harm.” Moon cocked his head to the side as he stared at Chen, narrowing his eyes. “And because I wanted to kiss you.”

Those were…good reasons.

Very good, logical reasons.

Chen closed the distance between them with a step, inserting his knee between Moon’s legs. The witch straightened, his eyes lighting with a mix of surprise and delight, but Chen didn’t give him a chance to make a single sound. He threaded his fingers through Moon’s hair at the back of his head, grasping him just tight enough to tilt the man’s face where he wanted it to be.

Those lips were his.

The first kiss had been soft and quick. Barely there. Nothing more than a whisper of butterfly wings on the petals of a rose.

Chen wanted more than a sip. If Moon was going to tease him and call him things like “sexy,” he was going to seize what was being offered.

Moon’s lips were soft and pliable, as if welcoming him. They parted in an instant with just the tiniest bit more pressure and a brush of Chen’s tongue. As Chen invaded his mouth, his tongue sliding along Moon’s, the witch’s hands surged up to grab the front of his shirt. A soft moan escaped Moon and his hands smoothed up his chest to wrap around his neck, drawing them even closer together.

The kiss was perfection. Moist heat and hunger. Moon’s pounding heart echoed in Chen’s ears while the most interesting scent of lemongrass drifted past his nose. Moon smelled of fresh citrus. How unexpected.

He pressed closer, placing his free hand on Moon’s waist. The witch moved closer so that he was straddling Chen’s thigh. Moon groaned and shifted against him, making it clear that his body was hardening.

Chen’s heart quickened. Yes. He ate up every one of Moon’s reactions. He tightened his grip on Moon’s head, changing the angle so he could deepen the kiss. More. He needed more of him. To taste his soul. Everything about him needed to be his.

“Oh. I guess you don’t need help with the tea.”

Chen ripped his lips away from Moon and lifted his head toward the source of the mocking statement. Without a single thought in his head, he bared his fangs and snarled at Junjie. Instinct alone demanded that he keep Moon to himself. No one could see him when he was in such an intimate embrace.

A scoff left Junjie’s lips. “I’ll tell them that the tea will be along shortly.” He turned and walked out of the kitchen doorway.

Chen’s brain was coming back online. He hadn’t even heard or sensed his brother’s approach. Everything had been lost to Moon. That was terrifying.

And yet, as he gazed at the man still clasped in his arms, taking in his half-lidded eyes dazed and his parted puffy lips damp from their kisses, he couldn’t feel an ounce of regret.

Because Moon belonged to him now.

It was as if all his self-control and restraint had snapped under that first kiss from Moon. Since meeting the witch twenty-four hours earlier, Moon had teased, taunted, and flirted. He’d wormed his way under Chen’s skin with every smile and protective gesture. It wasn’t only that he was charismatic, intelligent, and sexy. Chen was drawn to his protectiveness and this vulnerability that he kept hidden under a smiling mask at all times.

With one kiss, a surge of possessiveness raged through his chest, almost suffocating him. The witch was his. No one else was allowed to touch him. Something was even demanding to lock Moon in his chambers so no one could look at him. Especially when he was in such a vulnerable and very sexy state.