“That was…amazing,” Moon croaked. His voice was low and strangled, as if he were struggling to get his tongue to do his bidding.

Yes, his tongue most definitely belonged to Chen now.

There was no stopping the self-satisfied smirk that tilted up one corner of Chen’s mouth. “You keep calling me Sexy. Did you expect anything else from me?”

“No, I…” Moon stopped, blinked twice, and even shook his head as if to clear it. “No. I thought we’d have to build up to something that toe curling. A few more practice kisses before we burned the house down.”

Chen wanted to gloat a little more about the fact that he’d curled Moon’s toes, but the water on the stove was bubbling out of the kettle. It splashed on the hot burner and hissed, demanding their full attention.

Reluctantly, Chen released his witch and hurried over to the stove. With a thick gray potholder protecting his hand, he grabbed the handle of the kettle and carried it to the island. He maintained a safe distance between the hot water and Moon, who continued to lean on the counter as if it were the one thing keeping him upright.

Were his legs not supporting him? That was a lovely thought. He’d weakened his legs and curled his toes. What else could he do to this man with only a few kisses?

Chen couldn’t feel too smug, though. His knees were full of water and a tremble had sneaked into his hands. It was a small miracle that he managed to pour the water he’d boiled into the clay pots without splashing it everywhere.

Instinct and need demanded that he put the damn kettle aside and resume kissing Moon. He wanted to feel the man writhing in his arms, wanted to hear all the noises he was capable of. Needed to feel Moon rubbing his hardening cock against his leg, begging for the release that only Chen could give him.

But this was a horrible time for such things. They had a house full of witches and a very shady vampire. The fae would arrive in their world soon, and they needed to have a coherent plan for rescuing their brother.

And it looked like Chen now needed a plan for what he was going to do with Moon. How was he supposed to fit the witch into his life?

How was he going to keep him safe from the fae and other vampires?

“Can you assist me by carrying in the second tray?” Chen requested as soon as the tea was steeping and all the cups were divided up.

“I think I’m going to need a minute,” Moon mumbled.

Chen stepped over to the witch, admiring the flush to his cheeks and the way his amber eyes glistened. He cupped his cheek and ran his thumb along the curve of his bottom lip. “I’m sorry, but we don’t have a minute. As much as I would like to continue this, the tea leaves have begun to steep in the hot water and we can’t ignore our guests.”

Moon grabbed Chen’s wrist and dragged his lips along the inside of Chen’s palm. “I’m really okay with serving them overcooked tea in favor of kissing you more. I’m fine with ignoring our guests.”

“The fae are coming, and we must save Yichen,” he stated, though his heart ached to do as Moon said.

An inaudible sigh slipped between Moon’s lips and brushed over Chen’s fingers. He released Chen’s wrist and straightened. “You’re right.” He turned and dragged one of the two dark wood trays closer to him. As he wrapped his fingers around the handholds, he looked up at Chen. “But we are planning to continue this, correct? There’s not going to be some convenient amnesia later where this never happened, right?”

Chen met his gaze and held it for two seconds before declaring, “This will continue.”

There was no way he was allowing either of them to forget this kiss. It was only the beginning.

Chapter 11

Moon Mullins

His brain was never going to work correctly again.

By some miracle, he picked up the tray and followed Chen to the main meeting room, where he’d spoken with the clan upon his arrival last night.

Was that only last night?

It felt like he’d been chasing the elusive and grumpy Chen Bo Cheng for days. Now that he’d had the man’s tongue down his throat, he was ready to go ass up and beg to be fucked within an inch of his life.

Or he’d fuck Chen.

Whatever the vampire wanted, he could have.

No one had ever kissed him like that. No. One.

It was astounding that he was even walking. His entire body still felt like a throbbing hard-on. Was that Chen’s special vampiric power? To seduce so thoroughly with just a kiss?

No, that was wrong. He’d already seen the vampire control ice, frost, and snow with a wave of his hand. That meant the man came by it naturally.