Sean jerked his head back, bumping it on the floor. “What? That’s why you hit me?”

“Yes! You’re a vampire, right? You can’t be in the sun!”

The vampire burst into laughter, all the tension holding his muscles tight, disappearing in a flash. Moon pushed up to sit on the floor, staring openmouthed at the man. He was a vampire, right? He smelled like all the others in the clan. There was a heavy weight to him that came with vampire magic.

“I am a vampire, but I’m a daywalker. The sun doesn’t hurt me.” Sean pushed up to rest on his elbows and flashed Moon a smile that showed off his fangs. “That’s why Xiao Dan chose me to watch you during the day. I can chase you down in the sunlight if you try to escape.”

“Escape,” Moon huffed, folding his arms over his chest. “You’ll have to physically remove me from your home. I’m not leaving until I get Chen to smile. And maybe a cuddle.”

Sean rolled his eyes as he pushed to his feet. “Yeah, well, we’re leaving as soon as we get our brother. Then we’re heading home. To China.”

Moon frowned at the floor for a second. He shrugged one shoulder. “That’s fine. I work fast anyway. And if I can’t manage that cuddle before it’s time for you to leave, I’ll stow away in your luggage.”

A hand appeared in front of Moon’s face and he took it, allowing Sean to help him to his feet. They continued to the library, which was a large, dimly lit room filled with books. His heart skipped at this jaw-dropping sight. To spend days in this room exploring all the books would be a dream.

Unfortunately, his stomach chose that moment to proclaim to the world that he was starving.

“You wouldn’t have any food around here by any chance?” Moon inquired after getting his phone plugged in.

Sean made a show of rolling his eyes and huffing. “Humans. First, you need water. Now you need food. What’s next? You’re going to be asking me for a blanket or to put you through college.”

Moon bit the inside of his cheek to hold in his laugh. Throwing out his arms like he meant to hug Sean, he walked toward him. “Most humans wouldn’t turn down a nice cuddle every once in a while.”

The vampire let out an honest-to-God yelp and jumped away from Moon, knocking into a chair while lifting a foot as if he meant to kick Moon. “Not a chance. Save your cuddle requests for Chen.” Sean straightened and flashed that evil grin of his. “Better yet. Make sure I’m in the room when you ask for your cuddles. I want to see his expression.”

“Why are you so mean to Chen? He just needs some love.”

With a snort, Sean shook his head. “He’s annoying and he’s driven me crazy for centuries. I’m allowed to be mean to him.” His expression cleared, and he frowned at Moon. “But we don’t have any food here other than the tea we brought with us. Not even a grain of rice. We don’t eat much anymore. Just some special meals for the holidays.”

“Your brothers will be asleep for a while, right? Why don’t you and I make a grocery run? That way, we can have a nice meal waiting for them when they wake up. We can share some food and talk about what we need to do to get your missing brother.”

That suggestion earned him a lifted brow.

“What? You afraid that you can’t handle one little witch?” Moon smirked and slung an arm across Sean’s shoulder. “Remember, I’m trying to get a cuddle from Chen. I have to be a well-behaved angel.”

“Yeah, okay. Let me grab my keys. Take your phone and the charging cable. We can charge your phone on the way there.”


They’d make a quick run to get some food and he’d maybe pry some useful information out of his new friend. Sean was very relaxed and seemed happy to talk with Moon as long as it was a fair exchange of information. He could get some information about the clan, and most importantly, about Chen. Easy.

Chapter 5

Moon Mullins

Not easy.

Grocery shopping with a vampire was not easy.

He didn’t know whether it was that Sean had never been inside a modern grocery store or that he’d never been inside an American grocery store, but it was impossible to keep Sean within sight. The vampire was zipping off from one spot to the next, marveling at all the different things on the shelves in the bright and colorful packaging.

So much was getting tossed into the cart. More than a bunch of vampires who rarely ate food needed.

“Are you going to eat all this?” Moon asked with a grunt as he struggled to push the heavy cart. Other than the giant wok, the rice cooker, and the package of underwear—because he had his doubts about getting home today—the cart was nearly overflowing with food.