Moon dropped his hand to his side. “What are you doing up? I thought all good little vampires slept during the day.”

Sean lifted one brow, and his grin reappeared. “And leave you to wander our home unsupervised? I don’t think so.”

“Well, I wasn’t going to wander far.” He pulled his phone from his pocket and waved it. “I was going to search for a charger. Battery’s dead.”

The vampire’s hand was lightning fast as he snatched the phone from Moon’s fingers in the blink of an eye. Sean inspected it, turning it around. “Oh. I got this model a few months ago. I’ve got a spare cable you can borrow.”

“Oh…wow,” Moon murmured as Sean handed him the phone.


“I…I guess I wasn’t sure if you and your clan mates were up-to-date on all the modern technology.”

That got him a glare. “What? Because we’re vampires?” Sean stepped into him, his expression shifting into a scowl worthy of Chen.

“No, because you’re a fucking ancient vampire,” Moon said with a laugh. “Plus, well…look at this place.” Moon waved at the hallway where they were standing. Okay, so this wasn’t the best example, but there was no mistaking the older style. Even the light switches and wall sockets were hidden or artfully camouflaged so they didn’t clash with the overall aesthetic.

The vampire retreated, his eyes skimming the corridor before returning to Moon. The glare had softened but hadn’t disappeared entirely. “What do you mean?”

“Don’t get me wrong; this place is stunning. Love everything about it. However, it has an ancient feel. Like it’s something out of a period drama. I keep expecting to see a man with long hair and a hanfu come around the corner and threaten me with a sword.”

Sean blinked twice at him. “You know what a hanfu is?”

“Yep. One of those elegant robes with lots of layers and belts. Usually big sleeves.” This time Moon leaned close to Sean. “Have you ever worn one? Like an actual one from that time period. Like when everyone else was wearing them. Are those sleeves magical? In the shows, the actors are pulling fans, weapons, medicine, and all kinds of things out of them.”

Sean snorted and tipped his chin up. “I still wear them. They can be quite comfortable. Though now it’s just for special ceremonies. And no, not magical. Just small pockets for small, lightweight things.”

Moon almost squealed. “Did you bring any with you? Can I see it? Do you think Chen brought one? Do you think he’d wear it for me?”

The vampire stared at him for several seconds. “You really think Chen is sexy, don’t you?” he asked. “It’s not an act at all.”

Straightening, Moon stepped away from Sean, trying to get ahold of himself. He was now tucking away fantasies of Chen in a hanfu with his sneaking into bed and cuddling fantasy. Both would need to be reviewed thoroughly later.

“I think Chen is sexy, and not because he rescued me. I would have stopped in my tracks if I saw him on the street.” Moon paused and cocked his head at Sean. “Why? Did you think I was lying?”

“Sure.” Sean shrugged. “Chen is…annoying and bossy. So…” Sean waved his hand in the air and muttered something under his breath that was in Chinese before his face lit up. “He follows all the rules. Not spontaneous. There’s nothing sexy about him.” He motioned for Moon to follow him down the hall. “Let’s get my spare charging cable. It’s in the library.”

“Yeah, I guess if you see Chen as family, it’s unlikely that you’d see him as sexy. Let me reassure you, the man is very fucking sexy,” Moon said, trailing behind the vampire. Sean’s answering chuckle was heartening. “It doesn’t bother you that I’m…attracted to men?”

Sean glanced over his shoulder to reveal his smirk. “I know it’s frowned upon in my country now, but a long time ago, it was common. Particularly among the nobles. Some had both male and female concubines, if they could afford it.” Sean shrugged. “Then it was okay. Now it’s bad. I’m sure I’ll live long enough for it to be okay again. Besides, I like both, so I have no right to judge another.”

“And Chen? Do you know who he’s attracted to?”

Sean snorted as he turned a corner. “Chen doesn’t like anyone. Doesn’t matter the gender.”

That sucks.


The vampire stopped in the middle of the hall as the sunlight streaking through the window struck right across his eyes. “That’s not to say that Chen hasn’t gone out for some companionship, if you get my meaning. But it wasn’t like he was attached to any of them. He never talked about it, so I don’t know who he was going to see.”

“Oh—ah!” Moon cried out as his brain caught up to what he was seeing. Without warning, he threw himself into Sean, tackling the vampire to the floor. Sean snarled, flashing long white fangs at him. The hair on Moon’s neck stood up, but he couldn’t think about it. “Are you hurt? You were standing right in the sunlight!”