Page 94 of Chloé

“I told you I don’t run anything. I attend a board meeting once a month, and I can easily do that via a computer or plane. So, what else you got?”

Chloé dropped her hands into her lap and sighed. “My family. I can’t even begin to imagine living that far away from them.”

“I mean, they’reofferingthis to you, Red. They want you to go.”

Chloé arched a brow. “I’m sure you mean that in a supportive way, and even if you don’t, I already checked that they weren’t trying to get rid of me.”

Zayne snorted and reached for her hands. “Who would ever want to get rid of you?”

“Good answer. But still, I don’t know what I want to do. It doesn’t feel fair for me to ask you to both uproot your lives.”

“My life is with the both of you,” Zayne said. “Where you go, I go.”

“And you?” she said to Ethan. “Are you going to just up and leave all of this”—she gestured to the beautiful gardens of the Holt Estate—“so I can go and chase a dream?”

“It’s more than just a dream. It’s an opportunity to grow, and we wouldn’t be leaving it. We’d just bevisitingit rather than living in it. And who’s to say that wouldn’t change again somewhere down the road?”

Chloé began to pace, her mind now spinning with all the possibilities and what-ifs. Including the biggest one of all:What if they do this for me, and I fail?

“Chloé?” She stopped and looked at Ethan, who was staring up at her. “What do you want? If nothing and nobody else was involved, what would you want to do?”

And that was the problem right there. “I don’t know.”


It took us a second to work it out.

But now we know.

It’s notusshe’s worried about, it’s them.

~ Ethan

“DID YOU SAY Paris? As in Paris,France?”

Chloé eyed Shayla over the rim of her coffee mug and nodded.“Oui.”

“Justin?” Shayla looked across the bar of JULIEN to where Justin stood with a bar towel over his shoulder. “Tequila. Now.”

His eyes widened. “It’s ten o’clock in the morning.”

“Did you not hear what she just said? Your fathers areshippingher off to France.”

Justin grabbed a bottle of Patrón off the back shelf and put a shot glass on the counter.

“They’re not shipping her off anywhere.” He poured the shot and slid it across the counter, then looked over to Chloé. “They’re giving her one of the most incredible opportunities in the world.”

So hedidknow. She’d been wondering.

It’d been nearly a week since their fathers had come to her with this life-changing opportunity, and Chloé had done nothing but think about it since.

She knew that doing this, that taking them up on running JULIEN and living in Paris, was a gift unlike any other. Not only would she get to live in a city she absolutely adored, but she’d also be able to train and learn more about her craft from some of the best in the world.

Europe was known for its food culture. She could hop on a train and visit so many countries and experience some of the most exquisite meals ever created.

All she had to do was say yes. So, why hadn’t she?

She held Justin’s stare as she put her coffee cup down. “You knew they were going to ask me.”