Page 95 of Chloé

“I did.”

“And you didn’t think tosayanything to me?”

“It wasn’t myplaceto say anything.”

“Oh, come on. They tell you they’re thinking of sending me to Paris—”

“Offering you a chance tolivein Paris,” he corrected her.

“And you just decide to keep that to yourself?” Chloé shook her head, her mind spinning over the fact that her fathers had been sitting around talking about this with Justin instead of her.

“Like I said, it wasn’t my place.” He reached across the counter and put his hand over hers. “They wanted to surprise you.”

“Well, Iamsurprised.”

“I was too.”

“I am also,” Shayla piped up, and reached for the bottle of tequila still sitting on the counter.

Justin blew out a breath and leaned against the bar. “Chloé, this is a huge decision—”

“I know. I haven’t been able to think about anything since.”

“That’s not what I was getting at. It’s a huge decision that onlyyoucan make. I didn’t tell you about it because I didn’t want to influence you one way or another.”

“You wouldn’t do that.”

“Not intentionally.” Justin ran a hand through his hair. “But when they first told me, you know what my response was?”

Chloé shook her head.

“I told them that I didn’t think you were ready.”

“Justin.” Shayla leaned over the bar and punched him in the arm.

“I know. It was a shitty thing to say.”

Yeah, it was. She’d worked her ass off to get where she was inPère’s kitchen, so to hear Justin doubt her? Those words cut deep. But before she could tell him, Justin continued.

“It was a knee-jerk reaction. A selfish one, based on my own fear that you would say yes. And why wouldn’t you? It would be an incredible experience.” He shook his head. “Look, a lot has changed for you this past year. First, with your relationship with Ethan and Zayne, then moving out, and now this? My little sister in another country? So yeah, my first thought was that I didn’t want you to go. My second was, who’s going to look out for you? I just… It’s been a lot.”

Chloé stared at him. His words nearly mirrored her own thoughts. “I get it.”

And she did, because the idea of leaving her family and moving across an ocean was the one thing she was having the most difficult time wrapping her head around.

Yes, she loved Paris. But she’d only ever vacationed there with family or the knowledge she’d be home in a couple of weeks. If she did this,homewould be thousands of miles away.Familywould be in a different country.

“Yeah…” Justin crossed his arms, a smirk playing at his lips. “But then I got to thinking what a complete asshole I was being. Of course you’re ready for something like this. Our fathers wouldn’t suggest it if you weren’t. Plus, there’s no way Ethan and Zayne aren’t going to go with you, and that made it easier for me to deal with. That you’ll have someone there to look out for you—two someones, actually.”

“Ugh.” She dropped her head down on her arms. “That’s the other thing.”

“What is? Don’t tell me they said no.”

“No, no, it’s nothing like that.” She looked back up at the two of them. “But I can’t just ask them to up and move for me.”

Shayla cocked her head. “Um, why not?”

“Because they have a life here.”