Since she didn’t wish to argue, Olivia went to the dressing room. It was truly a beautiful dress. She didn’t allow herself to linger over how it flowed over her curves like it was made for her, how the silvery threads on the bodice emphasized her hourglass figure while hiding her tummy fat.

“How does it look?” Leah called.

Olivia lifted the dress as it was slightly too long and stepped out. When she emerged into the main room, Leah gasped along with the two attendants.

“Wow. You look gorgeous!”

Olivia stepped onto the pedestal surrounded by the mirrors. It wouldn’t hurt to keep it on for another minute. When would she get another chance to try on something like this?

The attendants brought out tape measures and started measuring and marking the dress.

“What’re they doing?” Olivia asked.

“They’re measuring it so they can get it fitted for you.”

Olivia shot Leah a panicked look. “I’m not buying it.”

“Yes, you are.”

“Stop moving,” the older attendant with a severe bun scolded when she tried to face Leah. “I don’t want to stab you.”

Sure enough, the woman had clothing pins in hand. Olivia stayed still and stewed while the attendants finished their work. It was only after she changed out of the dress, with some help, that she dragged Leah into a corner and whispered furiously, “I told you. I can’t afford it.”

“Marek can. Once he sees you in it, he’ll think it’s more than worth it.”

“I’m not spending his money.”

“Why not? What’s his is yours. Marek can afford it. Trust me.”

“I know he can afford it.” Can he? She hadn’t asked him about his finances since she didn’t care if he was a pauper or filthy rich. “But it’s his money. Not mine.”

Leah pursed her lips. “Hmm, then let me buy it for you. It’s the least I can do.”

“What? No. Definitely not. I don’t even know you.” Olivia stopped short and flushed. She hadn’t meant to blurt it in such an affronted tone.

Leah’s smile faltered. “How about this? I’ll ask them to hold it for you. Let’s get something to drink. My feet are killing me.”

Considering her tactless outburst, Olivia nodded. She waited at the store’s entrance as Leah worked out the details with the manager. Leah’s bright smile was back when she finished and led Olivia to the nearest coffee shop, which was in an outdoor area looking out into a fake waterfall.

“Ah, much better.” Leah sighed after they sat down with their drinks. They’d picked a table next to the balustrade where the gentle flow of the waterfall blocked out the other sounds in the mall. Soft, tranquil music played from hidden speakers.

“I’m sorry about earlier,” Olivia said. “But I really can’t let you buy that dress for me.”

“I know. It’s selfish of me. I should be trying to make you feel better, but instead, I’m using you to make me feel better.”

Olivia blinked. “I don’t understand.”

Leah stared out over the waterfall for a moment before speaking, her voice quiet. “CDI, the team Marek is leading, was originally my idea. Julian was supposed to lead it and hand control of Vegas to Marek, but Marek wanted CDI instead. He wanted to build something from the ground up.”

“You can’t blame yourself. You can’t know the future, and I’m sure Marek knew the dangers associated with the job.” Though she and Marek hadn’t discussed it, with him storming off to Denver, she was certain Marek knew exactly what he was getting himself into.

“I know.” Leah exhaled a long breath. “I also feel bad because I know how terrified you must feel now. How every breath you take feels like a fish gasping for water until he wakes up. Even though your brain says he’s alive and fine, your heart won’t feel whole again until he opens his eyes.”

Olivia looked away from Leah’s penetrating gaze. She’d hit the nail on the head. To have another person putting her exact feelings into words made her feel too exposed and vulnerable, like her heart was on display for everyone to see. Yet, it also made her feel closer to Leah, like she’d known the other woman a lot longer than two days and could trust her. “Can I ask you something else… if you don’t mind?”

“Please, go ahead. I want to help.”

“Before Marek returned from Denver, that same morning, I had a dream that I was being burned. I was in so much pain.” Olivia’s voice shook from the memory, but she pushed on. “And when I woke up, my right leg couldn’t support my weight. It’s like… It’s like I knew he was hurt, like…”