“Like you felt it,” Leah finished it.

Olivia could only nod.

“It’s because of the mating bond. Even when it hasn’t been completed.” Leah paused and cocked her head. “I assume Marek hasn’t completed it?”

“Not yet.”

“Did he tell you how it’s done?”


“Good,” Leah said with an approving nod. “Anyway, the mating bond, its effects, like sensing the other person’s feelings, can develop even before it’s been completed, especially when the mates spend more time near each other. In your case, you must have sensed Marek’s pain when the explosion happened.”

Olivia shuddered. If she’d felt like she was being burned alive, how terrible must it have been for Marek to withstand the inferno? More than anything, she wished she had stopped him from leaving for Denver.

“I’m sorry. I’m doing a shitty job of cheering you up.” Leah’s apologetic voice dragged Olivia out of her depressing musings. “Will you please accept the dress? Consider it a personal favor?”

“All right.” She’d find some way to pay Leah back. “Does this happen often? How can you stand feeling this way?”

“You mean how often is Julian’s life in danger?” Olivia nodded. “Let’s see… every day. Every day I wake up knowing it might be my last day with him. I don’t think about it consciously, or worry about it really, or I wouldn’t be able to let him out of my sight. I treasure our every moment together. I edge that happiness deep into my heart, into my soul. If, God forbid, someday someone kills Julian, that heartbreak is a price I’m willing to pay for finding true love.”

Olivia swallowed at Leah’s brutal honesty. “But is it really true love?”

Leah’s brows drew together in confusion. “What do you mean?”

“I mean, you clearly love him, but how do you know it’s real?” The words flooded out of Olivia. “How do you know it’s not the mating bond making you feel that way? Especially when it’s so strong, even before it’s completed?”

“To be honest, I had my doubts as well,” Leah said. “The mating bond exposes your true self to the other. Your mate sees everything, your darkest secrets, thoughts, vulnerabilities. Everything you hide from the world. It’s all laid bare before one person.”

“That sounds like my worst nightmare,” Olivia muttered.

Leah chuckled. “It does, doesn’t it? But it’s also comforting to know he’s always going to be there, accepting your worst and your best. It’s absolutely terrifying and electrifying at the same time. Isn’t that what true love is? To know and accept everything about the other person?”

“But would it happen without the mating bond?”

“Yes.” No hesitation. “I fell in love with Julian after learning what kind of man he is. If he were truly as heartless and evil as the world portrayed him, I wouldn’t love him regardless of the mating bond. The mating bond, while it may hasten the process, doesn’t make you fall in love. Those feelings are my own.”

Olivia wished she could be as certain as Leah. If anyone other than Marek had kidnapped and threatened her, she’d be at the police station getting that person locked up instead of chatting with his friend. If the mating bond could influence her to forgive Marek’s transgressions, who said it couldn’t make her fall in love?

Yet, Marek had been a perfect gentleman after his initial mishaps. Arrogant and heavy-handed in his methods, but they were working on that. His reminders about food were annoying yet heartwarming. He kept his promise for Betsy to receive the best care and even took time out of his busy schedule to help her translate the grimoire.

Not to mention, he was a generous lover in bed.

Don’t blush. Don’t blush.

Most importantly, he had respected her wishes to wait on the mating bond. He hadn’t pushed or nagged or complained or made her feel bad about herself. Nope, he’d been patient and kind. For the first time in her life, she experienced what it meant to be worshiped like a goddess.

Was she falling in love with Marek?

Her mind darted away from the thought like a startled deer. “Thank you,” she said. “You’ve been a tremendous help. This is a hundred times better than wallowing by myself. And thank you for being so honest about the mating bond.”

“You’re welcome. If you have other questions, ask away. Marek might be a pain in the ass at times, but everyone deserves happiness, even if he didn’t introduce us earlier like I asked.”

“He knew I was busy. I wouldn’t have made for a fun companion. Not that I’m one right now.”

“Nonsense. He just didn’t want us to gang up together.” Leah rubbed her hands together as her eyes glinted with mischievousness. “It’s just been me against Julian and the vampires so far. Your presence will even the playing field.”

“Do I want to know?” Olivia asked wryly.