Unhurriedly, Andrea picked up the bracelet and the book from the ground. It was no longer a small notebook. Olivia’s magic had transformed it into a three-inch thick, leather-bound witch’s grimoire with raised edges and some kind of symbol carved on the front. Marek felt its cold magic brush past him, raising the hair on the back of his neck.

“I did nothing,” she said, her voice calm though she watched him like a rabid dog that might attack at any second. “Magic uses up your life force. The spell to open this simply drained her for the moment, but she should be fine after some rest.”

Marek experienced a range of emotions as Andrea spoke, from fury at Andrea and at Olivia’s stupidity for trusting a witch, to intense worry for Olivia’s safety, and finally to a calm acceptance that his mate should be fine.

“Give me those,” he said, gesturing to the items with his chin.

If Andrea planned to use Olivia to open the book and then abscond with it, then the witch had another thing coming.

When Andrea did as he requested, dropping the items on the empty chair beside her, a flash of annoyance swept through him.

Her lips quirked. “I’m here to help her, not to steal from her. This grimoire belongs to her, and I’m returning it to its proper owner.”

Questions, one after another, popped into his mind. If the grimoire belonged to Olivia, then he’d been right. Witch blood flowed in Olivia’s veins. What else did Andrea know? Did she know who Olivia’s parents were? What else could the bracelet do?

“Do you plan on hiding in the hospital today?” Andrea asked, settling back in her chair. Smart woman. She sat in the block of sunlight streaming in from the window. Despite her nonchalance, she clearly trusted him as little as he trusted her.

“We’ll be staying here,” he said. It wouldn’t have been his first choice. The hospital was too open with too many humans. However, Olivia wouldn’t want to leave Betsy’s side for even one second, despite her unconscious state.

He looked down at her. Her pale skin tugged at his heart, but her breathing was even, her expression clear. She’d been in pain, he knew, even though he couldn’t hear her through the magical barrier after she’d turned the key. There had been no mistaking the agony on her face or her voiceless scream.

Damn it all! He should have stopped her. Magic was unpredictable, and he didn’t trust Andrea or any witches in general, even those he called acquaintances, much less a stranger.

Yet, Olivia listened to Andrea, because she was willing to do anything for Betsy. He should have forced her to wait until he confirmed Andrea’s story with someone. Despite her PhD, Olivia clearly had no care for her own well-being.

Well then, he’d just have to work harder to protect her, even if that angered her.

Marek frowned at his growing feelings for Olivia as he strode to the door. The mating bond had burrowed its claws into him, and he had a sinking feeling he was losing the battle against its pull. He located the nearest nurse and commanded her to bring another bed to the room. As much as he enjoyed holding her, he couldn’t do so for the entire day.

Andrea, in the meantime, pulled out a laptop from her bag and looked too comfortable in the chair.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“If you’re staying, then I’ll be staying too,” she said as if it was obvious.

“What’re you playing at, witch?” Marek hated it when he didn’t have all the information. “She has me, she doesn’t need you.”

That smug smile again. He didn’t know how House Haven treated witches in their territory, but this one was getting on his last nerves.

“Jealous, vampire?”

Marek scoffed. “Don’t be ridiculous. She’s my mate. I’ve no reason to be jealous of anyone.”

“Worry not, I’m not here to compete against you. When Olivia wakes up, I’m sure she would like more answers. In the meantime, pretend I’m not here. Aren’t you vampires really good at ignoring little powerless humans?”

Marek refused to rise to the bait. Two nurses entered, pushing a hospital bed. Once they had it secured against the wall, Marek gently lowered Olivia into it. She made a soft sound of protest when he released her and rolled onto her side. Marek swallowed. If only he could climb in and cuddle up against her back. His body hardened at the thought of her buttocks cupping his cock.

Fuck. Not the time.

“Is there anything else you need?” one of the nurses asked.

Marek inhaled through his nose to calm the sudden arousal coursing through his body. Being at the hospital worked in his favor. The scents of human sickness and ammonia covered up Olivia’s tantalizing scent. His stomach cramped with hunger.

“Bring me three fresh bags of blood and someone who can help me transfer this room’s patient to Las Vegas,” he ordered.

The nurses nodded and left to do his bidding.

Olivia hadn’t agreed to come to Vegas with him. Yet.