But he wouldn’t be deterred. Vegas was the safest place for them. Even if he had to leave for CDI missions, he had others he trusted to keep an eye on her.

Marek sat on the edge of the bed next to Olivia. When he touched her hand, her fingers curled and tangled with his. Her happy sigh and smile made his heart flip over.

His other hand rubbed at his chest, unused to the ache. Was he so weak? To have fallen for the mating bond’s pull in three days? Julian lasted three weeks. Felix and Gabby spent six centuries apart.

Not that it was a competition.

It is. And you lost.His father’s cursed voice.Weak. No wonder you couldn’t save your brothers.

Marek’s eyes squeezed shut against the sharp stab to his sternum. God, he’d forgotten about the pain. Being turned had been a reprieve for him. An escape from his loss and grief.

Now, with Olivia, with his soul yearning to return, it was all coming back.

He should leave her. Walk right out of here. Andrea would help Olivia with Betsy. Distance would lessen the impact of the mating bond. He could depart for Europe, or Africa, wherever was the farthest from here.

Yes, run away,his father mocked him.Leave all your responsibilities behind, coward.

Running wasn’t an option. His people needed him. When Julian had established CDI as a response to the threat posed by the Organization, Marek had requested to head it, because he’d wished to build something for himself, to save others, to make up for his past failures.

Yet you’re here, playing house with your mate.

Olivia groaned, and Marek realized he’d squeezed her hand. Instantly, everything else vanished except concern for her. His hold on her loosened. He examined her hand, ensuring he hadn’t done any lasting damage.

“Marek…” she whispered, so quiet he wouldn’t have heard it if not for his vampire hearing.

His name on her lips was a soothing balm over his very being, dissipating the cloud of self-recriminations and guilt.

Who was he kidding? He couldn’t leave her. Not the least because he’d promised to help her. He wouldn’t let her down. Though she’d always put on a brave front, he sensed the thread of vulnerability she attempted to hide. He wouldn’t abandon her.

And he wouldn’t let the CDI down. If humans could juggle their family and work, if Olivia, at eighteen, could raise her younger sister by herself, then he, at over seven hundred years old, could damn well succeed at balancing his personal and professional life.

When the nurse arrived with the requested blood, Marek was much more centered. He pasted on a pleasant smile and thanked her. He’d already made a spectacle of himself rescuing Olivia from Hunters. No need to damage more of their kind’s reputation.

After he finished feeding, Dr. Wells showed up with an administrator. Marek instructed them to arrange Betsy’s transportation to Vegas via helicopter later that night. If he already had everything prepared, it would be harder for Olivia to object. No doubt she’d be furious at him for his heavy-handedness, but he’d make it up to her.

Once he had her safely stashed in Vegas.

Chapter Ten

Thatsmellsnice.Olivia curved her lips and snuggled closer to the source. Her body felt heavy and sore, like the time her ex convinced her to run a half-marathon and she thought her legs might never recover from their jellied state. She didn’t want to wake up yet.Five more minutes. Just five more minutes.

Beep. Pause. Beep.

What is that? Ugh. Is it her alarm?

Beep. Beep.

She reached blindingly for her phone, which usually lay next to her pillow. Instead of the familiar smooth plastic, she touched something hard and warm.

Her eyes snapped open.

Shit. Her cheeks flashed volcano-hot. She was patting Marek’s thigh!

Marek, who sat with his back against the wall and his legs stretched out beside her.

He was the one she’d been snuggling with!

“What’re you doing?” she whispered in stunned horror.