Olivia latched onto that piece of information. “You know who he is?”

Marek hissed a warning growl at Andrea, which she dismissed with the sort of blitheness Olivia envied. “Yes, he’s Vegas’ second-in-command.”

Olivia’s eyes widened. Marek Radke. No wonder he’d looked familiar. Vegas’ ruler was Julian Blackmore. Everyone knewthat.Marek’s name had come up often enough in news articles about vampires, but he stayed away from the cameras. In hindsight, his identity was obvious. She should’ve connected the dots when she realized he wasn’t a random vampire with a personal vendetta against Zylotech.

“Guess the secret is out of the bag.” Marek sighed. “You were bound to find out soon. Hold on.” He disappeared back to the bathroom and returned wearing his bloodied shirt. Disappointment shot through Olivia, making her scowl.Stop thinking about how hot he is.

“So, what are you doing here, witch?” Marek asked Andrea.

Andrea was a witch? Was that why she felt the strange tingling along her skin, like a watered-down version of what she’d felt from her bracelet? God, she would give an arm and leg for a coffee. At this point, she was running on fumes and adrenaline.

“Like I said, I’m here to help Olivia in whatever capacity she needs.”

“Why?” Marek asked.

“Because it is my mission in life to help those in need,” Andrea replied, her answer not explaining anything at all. “Olivia needed me, so here I am.”

“That’s generous of you.” Marek crossed his arms. “But I’ve taken care of everything.”

Olivia shivered from Andrea’s direct gaze. Something about Andrea made it hard to look her in the eye. Like the sensual, magnetic pull of the vampires, Andrea exuded something supernatural, less noticeable, but no less powerful.

“Has he? You don’t need any assistance?”

Can I trust her?It was too convenient for Andrea to appear just as Olivia needed a witch. She didn’t know the woman, but she didn’t know Marek either. At least Andrea hadn’t threatened to kill her.


After the craziness of the last few days, what was one more?

“Can you tell me how to wake Betsy?” she asked, gesturing to her sister.

“What’s wrong with her?” Andrea strode to Betsy’s bedside.

“She was one of the witches who cast the spell over the LA Ruins,” Marek said.

“Ah. Let me see.”

Andrea touched her index and middle finger to Betsy’s wrist and closed her eyes. An earthy glow surrounded her, the light deep brown nearest her body and transitioning to bronze-orange and dusty yellow at the very edges. It slowly extended from Andrea to Betsy. Strands of Andrea’s hair lifted as though a breeze blew through the room. At first, Olivia felt nothing. Seconds later, the air grew heavy. It became harder to breathe.

Her right wrist warmed as her bracelet glowed a light green in response. Olivia watched, fascinated, as a thin layer of jade light surrounded her from head to toe. That oppressive weight from Andrea’s magic lessened. The air tasted fresher, as though the bracelet’s glow shielded her.

And it was magic, no doubt about it.

Marek’s eyes bored into her, but neither of them said anything. If Andrea managed to wake Betsy, Olivia would have no reason to go to Vegas with Marek.

No reason for Marek to stay with her. Grieving loss slammed into her. But if they were soulmates, Marek would stay.

And do what? His life belonged in Vegas, and hers…

Well, she had no idea. Returning to Zylotech wasn’t an option, not after learning they were abducting and experimenting on vampires.

The light around Andrea dimmed. She opened her eyes, now shadowed. When they flickered to Olivia’s bracelet, Olivia realized her green glow had vanished as well.

Her legs trembled. Marek was there in an instant, holding her up. Not used to relying on others, Olivia nudged away from him and sat down heavily on the bed. Marek towered by her side like some immovable monument.

“Well?” he asked Andrea with impatience.

“I’m sorry. I can’t wake her,” Andrea said with regret. “She’s used too much of her life force.”