“I mean, it’s important, but I don’t know if it’sthatimportant. They have all the data. Someone else can finish it without me.” It hurt to admit that, to admit Zylotech could so easily replace her to complete the work she’d slaved over the last three years.

“It doesn’t make sense.” He shook his head. “Until we figure it out, we’ll go to Vegas where I can protect you.”

“I can’t. I’m not leaving Betsy.”

“I know. Betsy’s coming with us.” He raised a hand to stop her protest. “She’ll receive the best care in Vegas. I promise.”

“But…” This must be what it felt like to drown and to grapple at anything within reach to survive. “But… I only took a week off work,” she said weakly.

His blue eyes turned the shade of Arctic ice. “You plan on returning to Zylotech?”

“I… I don’t know…” It had been the first excuse she came up with. Other than Betsy, work was her life. Olivia wrapped her arms around her stomach. What was happening? Her world was spinning out of control.

How? How did things fall apart so fast?

Olivia squeezed her eyes shut when her vision wavered. Her pulsing heartbeat drowned out everything else.Shit. What’s happening?Her breaths came in shallow rasps, but she wasn’t getting enough air no matter how hard she gulped.

Strong arms around her. A warm hand at the back of her skull. Her face pressed into a solid chest.

“Breathe, Olivia, breathe,” Marek said, his voice surprisingly soothing, his other hand slowly rubbing her back.

I’m trying!The words wouldn’t come as she hyperventilated, inhaling his cedar scent deep inside her. He held her, muttering soothing nonsense, until eventually, the panic attack subsided.

The outside world returned. The chaotic noise of the hospital. The pungent scent of cleaning solutions. The steady thump of Marek’s heart.

Her breathing and heartbeat slowed, but Olivia didn’t move, not ready yet to face reality and its relentless demands.

She wanted to stay in his comforting embrace forever.

Knocks at the door. Reluctantly, Olivia lifted her head. A woman of Asian descent, tall and willowy, watched them with a curious expression.

“Am I interrupting?”

Chapter Nine

“No,”OliviamutteredasMarek said, “Yes.”

She backed away from Marek, embarrassment coloring her cheeks. Did she just have a panic attack? In front of Marek of all people? The last thing she needed was for him to become even more overbearing.

With a bemused smile, the woman sauntered inside with quiet confidence. Her sable hair in a single braid down her left side, she looked to be in her mid-thirties, though her brown eyes and strong features exuded an agelessness that indicated she might be much older.

“Are you Dr. Olivia Rodriguez?” she asked, sparing a glance at Marek, whose lips had turned down in a frown. She didn’t seem bothered by Marek’s sudden animosity.

“Yes, and you are?”

“I’m Andrea Yang. Nice to finally meet you.” She extended a hand, her kind smile putting Olivia at ease.

“Nice to meet you.” Olivia shook her hand. “Is there something I can help you with?”

“Actually, I’m here to help you.” Andrea’s smile widened.

“I’m sorry. Have we met before? Are you a friend of Betsy’s?”

“No. I don’t know either of you, but I am tasked with helping you.”

Frustration flared, but Olivia hid it behind a tentative smile. Was Andrea a patient here? Did the hospital have a psych ward? She wore a simple gray T-shirt and navy jeans, not a hospital gown or uniform. While she looked harmless, something about the woman made Olivia wary.

Before Olivia could respond, Andrea turned to Marek, brows furrowing. “You’re Marek Radke. What are you doing here? Does House Haven know you’re here?”