Amelia turned away so the woman couldn’t see her face fall. She felt as though she had been punched in the gut, and just like that all the happy and carefree feelings evaporated in an instant.

Chapter Forty-Eight

Fergus froze when he saw Kelly waiting for him at the bar. He looked as bewildered and surprised as everyone else.

‘What are you doing here?’ He couldn’t disguise his shock at seeing her standing there.

‘Well, that is hardly a nice way to greet me, is it?’ She reached across the bar, planted her hands on his shoulders and covered his mouth with hers. A few bystanders started whistling at the steamy display.

Amelia’s heart pounded and her mouth turned dry as she watched the scene unfold. Fergus didn’t exactly seem to be in a rush to push her off.What on earth was going on?She tried her best to plaster on a smile and busy herself with drink orders, but it was a struggle. The bar area wasn’t huge and so it was difficult not to hear snatches of the conversation between them, especially when everyone else was trying their best to eavesdrop too.

‘You don’t look all that happy to see me.’ Kelly now stood with her hands on her hips and swayed slightly.

‘I didn’t expect you to come here,’ said Fergus, his voice terse.

‘Clearly,’ she said, glaring. ‘But you never answer my calls or messages so I thought I would see you in person.’

God, that sounds like my life, thought Amelia.A man who doesn’t return calls.She wished she had stuck to her initial gut feeling about him being too good to be true.

Grant made a face into his pint and shook his head in pity at Fergus. Then he gestured to Thea that they should think about leaving.

‘Oh God.’ Thea went round the other side of the bar, helping Amelia and Doris to clear up. ‘This is not ideal at all.’

‘Did you know he had a girlfriend?’ whispered Amelia.

‘No! I have never seen her before in my life and he’s never mentioned her.’

‘It would seem like he’s keeping a lot of secrets then, doesn’t it?’ Amelia tried to remain calm but she could feel anger rising from the knots in her stomach. She knew she should walk away but she remained rooted to the spot as she observed Fergus and Kelly’s heated exchange. How could he have kissed her like that when he had a secret girlfriend on the side? How dare he do that to her? Did he get some kind of kick from leading her on?

‘I’ve been worrying about you,’ said Kelly coyly, fluttering her eyelashes.

‘Oh, for God’s sake. Will you look at that?’ Thea shook her head in disgust. ‘She’s going to take someone out with them. They’re like bloody branches.’

Amelia appreciated Thea’s attempt to make light of the situation but she wanted to be sick.

‘Grant, come and help us, will you?’ Thea’s voice was sharp. ‘The bar is now shut.’

Grant hastily finished his pint and went round the tables collecting the glasses.

‘Doris, will you be okay from here?’ Thea clearly sensed she had to do something to move Amelia away from the situation.

‘I can help too.’ Cano magically appeared just at that moment. ‘What needs to be done?’

‘Oh, just the tables need putting away and the floors mopped,’ said Doris gratefully.

‘We can’t leave Cano and Grant to do that all by themselves.’ Amelia looked over at them. ‘That’s not fair.’

‘We’ll be fine,’ insisted Cano. ‘Come on, you ladies head off. It’s been a long day.’ He put a hand on Amelia’s arm. ‘Honestly. Leave us and we will organise it. I am glad you’re wearing your trainers. It is not your shoes that are making you look sad.’

She smiled gratefully at him and shook her head. ‘Thank you.’

He nodded at her and gave her a knowing smile. ‘It will all be okay, Amelia.’

Fergus seemed to be trying to catch her eye but she completely ignored him. Inside, she shook with rage.

She pulled on her coat and Doris hugged her. ‘Thank you so much for everything you did today. You’re a superstar and we need to think about more work for you.’

Amelia kept a smile plastered on her face as she hugged Doris back.