‘Well, there is nothing wrong with being elusive. You never want to be too keen.’

Amelia blushed as she remembered the passionate kiss they’d shared. It was a bit late for that.

‘I hope he gives you the Christmas that you truly deserve.’

Amelia burst out laughing. ‘You’re quite naughty, Thea. I’m saying nothing.’

‘You don’t have to. It’s written all over your face.’

‘That obvious?’

‘Just to me. Don’t worry . . . Look, when we’re finished here, a few folk are coming to ours for some drinks. It would be great if you joined us. Santa too.’

‘Sure. I’ll find out what he’s up to. He may have other plans . . .’ She didn’t want to assume anything at all. ‘But that sounds nice. Thank you.’ Amelia’s heart raced at the thought of continuing what they’d started earlier. She truly had not thought she was able to experience feelings like this for someone other than Declan. But Fergus had kissed her passionately enough for her to know that she wanted more. ‘I better go and check whether he needs a hand with that beer.’

‘Sure.’ Thea winked.

Amelia went through the curtain at the back of the bar and round the corner to the makeshift store area, which had piles of boxed beers. Fergus was crouched down on the ground trying to read the label. She shivered. ‘Perfect for chilling?’

He stood when he saw her. ‘Come to join me?’

‘I wondered if you needed any help with the beer?’

‘Oh, yes, please.’ His smile widened.

She felt as though she was walking on air as she went over to him and reached up to give him a brief kiss. He responded hungrily and this told her itdefinitelywas not a one-off.

‘Wow,’ he said, leaning down to kiss her again.

She broke away, reminding herself they were in a public place. Anyone could appear at any minute. ‘Thea and Grant are having a few friends back later . . .’

‘I’d rather we had our own private party.’ Raking a hand through his hair and grinning, he reached to gently touch her face.

‘We’ll see . . .’ She smiled and turned to walk back inside the bar. She was desperate to drag him to the cabin right then, slightly surprised at how easy this all was. But she had to show some restraint, didn’t she?

He caught her hand and twirled her round. ‘Not so fast.’ He kissed her again, holding her tightly to him.

Amelia couldn’t stop smiling when she returned to the bar, and when Thea caught her eye she sniggered. When had she last felt so happy and carefree? Life had somehow magically turned around for her, and this thing with Fergus was completely unexpected. She smiled at the sing-song Grant had started in the corner. He’d managed to persuade everyone to do an interesting version of Mariah Carey’s ‘All I Want for Christmas’.

‘I know what I want for Christmas.’ His breath was warm on the back of her neck. Her skin tingled at his proximity and she knew if she turned to look at him, she wouldn’t be able to keep her hands off him.

A pretty woman with dark hair and eyes pushed her way forwards at the bar. Thea frowned as the woman knocked her elbow, causing her to spill her drink.

‘Oops, there you go.’ Amelia passed her a pile of napkins and looked over curiously. She didn’t recognise the newcomer.

‘Is Fergus here?’

Amelia smiled brightly at her but the woman glared back.

‘Yes,’ Amelia said, looking around. ‘He must be out back. Can I tell him who’s asking for him?’

The woman flicked her hair over her shoulders rather aggressively. ‘Kelly.’ She paused for deliberate effect. ‘Hisgirlfriend.’

Thea had been watching and listening with interest and her eyes widened in surprise, especially at the woman’s rather surly tone.

‘Girlfriend?’ said Amelia as casually as she was able to through gritted teeth. How could she have been stupid enough to think that he hadn’t already been snapped up?

‘Yes. That’s right.’