‘Not at all. This place has got under my skin.’

‘Except you haven’t tried out any of the water sports yet,’ he said with a grin. ‘You must do that.’

‘Okay, well, what do you suggest first?’

‘Either a wild swim or a spot of kayaking.’

Cano arrived with their coffees and a croissant for Fergus. ‘There you go. Enjoy.’

‘Thanks, Cano.’

Amelia couldn’t help staring at Fergus’s long fingers as he wrapped them around the mug and took a sip of his latte. ‘Perfect. Just what I need.’

She had to pull her gaze away from him and took a gulp of her drink. ‘I honestly think it’s the best I’ve tasted.’

‘So, what is it to be?’ He was obviously trying to make sure she didn’t dodge the conversation.

‘I would quite like to do the wild swimming . . . but I don’t have a wetsuit.’ Her voice was a tad too triumphant.

‘That’s not a problem. I can sort that. We have a whole range at the centre.’ He looked her over, assessing with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. ‘Say the day and in the meantime I’ll drop one off.’

Amelia laughed. ‘You’re persuasive, aren’t you?’

‘Yip.’ He looked at her intently.

‘Busy day?’ she managed.

‘Yes. We’re making the most of this dry weather and taking some of the high school kids out later.’

‘Edie said you do a lot to help with their confidence.’

He broke off a piece of croissant and chewed thoughtfully. ‘We try to give kids a chance who maybe aren’t doing so well. The ones who find it harder to fit in. This can help bring them out of themselves.’

‘That’s brilliant.’

He shrugged and stifled a yawn. ‘Sorry. Early start.’ He ate another bit of his pastry, managing not to make a mess despite its flakiness.

A vision of Declan floated into Amelia’s mind at that moment. There was no way he would have eaten a croissant on a weekday, or even on a weekend. It was all about the fat-to-carb ratio and that wouldn’t have ticked the boxes. Having coffee and a croissant at 10 a.m. on a random Wednesday morning in November with a very handsome man was extremely liberating.

‘So, you’ve been roped into the Christmas fair?’

‘Yes . . .’ She hesitated. ‘Although it sounds like fun.’ His eyes were on her, contemplative and curious. Something about the way he looked at her was unsettling.

‘How long do you think you’ll stay?’

She sighed. ‘I don’t know if I’m honest . . . I, well, let’s just say I’m not in a hurry to return to London. I lost my job and . . . anyway, I don’t have to be back anytime soon.’ Her face coloured.

He tilted his head to the side. ‘There’s a lot that’s great about this place. You should stick around.’

‘Where do you live?’ She was trying her best to prolong the conversation.

‘I’m along from the hotel.’

‘Have you known Edie for long?’

‘Yes, she’s fab. A true gem.’

‘She’s great,’ agreed Amelia. ‘Though she’s been quiet the last couple of days. I’m worried something is on her mind.’