‘Oh.’ He looked concerned. ‘I’ll try to pop by soon and check up on her.’
‘Has she ever been married?’
Fergus looked at her contemplatively. ‘She’s quite private but most folks know that yes and she was widowed.’
‘Oh dear. I’m sorry to hear that.’
‘It happened a while ago, before she came here. But I know she was devastated at the time. He died suddenly in an accident.’
‘Poor Edie.’ Amelia felt a wave of emotion and she clenched her fingers into her palms. When she heard a sad story, it unlocked something within her that made her want to cry.
Fergus was about to say something when his phone rang. He accepted the call instantly. ‘Grant.’ He pulled a face. ‘Okay, I’ll be there in five.’ He drained the remainder of his coffee. ‘I’d better go, otherwise Grant won’t be happy at being left to handle a bunch of teenagers on his own.’
‘Oh.’ She was surprised at just how disappointed she was that he was leaving. ‘Well, it was good to see you.’
He stood up, his hands on the back of the chair, and once again her eyes were drawn to those hands, then his fingers, and she couldn’t help noticing his nails. ‘Sorry to scoot off. Enjoy your day.’ He started walking away and stopped. ‘We didn’t make a plan to go for a swim. When do you fancy?’
‘Um . . . just whenever works for you?’
‘Perfect. What’s your number and I’ll text you.’ He punched the digits into his phone as Amelia recited them to him, and immediately sent her a message. ‘That’s so you’ve got my details now too.’ He grinned. ‘There’s no escape.’
Chapter Seventeen
Amelia sat for a while looking out after Fergus and wondering what his story was. Why hadn’t he settled down with anyone? He seemed too good to be true. Then she felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up to find Ed smiling down at her. His white fluffy hair was thin across his scalp and he wore slightly too big glasses, which he kept having to push up his nose. ‘I think he’s got a soft spot for you, dear.’
Feeling flustered, Amelia had no idea what to say. ‘Oh, I don’t think so . . .’
‘Trust me,’ he said. ‘I know these things. My Daphne always did say I had an instinct for spotting true love. See you tomorrow.’ Off he sauntered, with his newspaper rolled up and tucked under his arm.
Just then her mobile started to ring from the depths of her bag. By the time she fished it out and saw Declan’s name, it was too late. She had missed his call. She was stunned that he had actually bothered to call. Then her voicemail pinged. Hesitating, she lifted her mobile to her ear and played the message.
‘Amelia. It’s me. I’m sorry that I haven’t called. I needed some space. I’ll maybe try later.’
The sound of his voice, flat and quite matter of fact, had a strange effect on her.I’ll maybe try later.He didn’t sound at all bothered that he’d not been in touch and had ignored her calls and messages for so long. She stared at her phone, not sure whether to stamp on it or throw it in the sea.
‘Try this.’ Cano put a plate in front of her. ‘It’s a new Christmas shortbread I am testing. Cinnamon and nutmeg. Let me know what you think.’
Amelia wiped away a tear and tried to compose herself.
‘Oh, I’m sorry. You are upset.’
‘I’m okay,’ she said, annoyed at herself.
‘Man worries?’ His voice was knowing.
Amelia laughed in surprise. ‘How did you know?’
‘I have two daughters. If they cried it was generally over two things.’
‘And what were they?’ she asked.
‘Sore feet when they insisted on wearing those silly high heels. Stilettoes?’
‘Yes, stilettoes.’ She smiled. ‘And what was the other thing?’
‘Men.’ He glanced down at her trainers. ‘You have nice sensible shoes on and so your feet look okay to me. I can only assume it must be the other thing. A man.’
She exhaled loudly. ‘Yes, you are right. But I am trying not to think about him.’