Page 81 of Idol Moves

“You little shit! I’m gonna fucking–”

“That’s enough.” Tae Hyun and Min Su both froze. There was no mistaking that voice. Tae Hyun would know it anywhere. “It seems like I can’t trust you to carry out even the simplest of tasks, Oh Min Su.” Choo Ji Hoon sighed as he slowly emerged from the murky shadows. Ji Hoon was the boss. It had been Ji Hoon all along. “Perhaps I was wrong to trust you with this.”

Min Su frantically shook his head. “No, sir. This can still work. There weren’t any witnesses. We can still make this work.”

“Bah.” Ji Hoon scowled and angrily waved Min Su away as he walked closer. “As for you, Woo Tae Hyun, I can’t tell you how disappointed I am in you.” He shook his head. “Such talent. And it’s all going to waste.”

Tae Hyun wanted to protest but couldn’t get his mouth to work. Choo Ji Hoon–a man who’d essentially raised him as a surrogate father only to throw him away the moment he dared to be himself–was behind everything. That couldn’t be true. There was so much he wanted to say. But all those promises to show Ji Hoon the new and improved Tae Hyun flew out the window the moment he understood that this was exactly what they’d done to Kwon Jong Soo. He finally forced out a single word. “Why?”

Ji Hoon shook his head again. “You know why.”

Min Su had said the same thing. But Tae Hyun was tired of people assuming he knew what was happening whenever they threw him a new complication. “Tell me yourself.”

“I don’t think you’re in any position to make demands of me.” Ji Hoon frowned. “Besides, it doesn’t matter. This fuckwit–” He gestured toward a cowering Min Su. “–couldn’t even carry out such a simple plan.” He regarded a prone Tae Hyun with narrowed eyes. “Things didn’t have to work out like this. You had a choice, and you chose this. Remember that.”

“Don’t do this.” Tae Hyun’s mind finally started letting him speak again.

Ji Hoon shook his head. “I think we both know it’s too late for–”

Pop-pop-pop! The sound of small arms fire echoed through the large, mostly empty warehouse they were in. Startled, Tae Hyun pushed himself backward with his feet as Do Hyeon, a balding, middle-aged man who’d still kept himself in decent shape, grabbed Ji Hoon’s arm.

“We need to get out of here, sir!”

Ji Hoon fruitlessly struggled against Do Hyeon’s grip as the man dragged him into the shadow. Ji Hoon looked at Min Su before he disappeared into the darkness. “Finish the job,” he called out. “Finish it if you want what I promised you.”


Tae Hyun’s ears rang as an explosion echoed through the warehouse. Min Su used the distraction to rush toward him. He yelped as Min Su roughly grabbed his upper arms and dragged him to his feet. Tae Hyun tried to yank his arm free, earning him a firm backhand across his face. Then the room briefly flashed before Min Su followed up with a hard fist in his gut. Tired, in pain, and afraid, Tae Hyun slumped in Min Su’s grip. So Min Su yanked on his arm and dragged him away.


“Can’t this fucking thing go any faster?” Jason had given up all pretense of being in control of his feelings, which were rapidly boiling over in the back seat of the speeding armored SUV. But no one listened to him.

“I have an aerial view of the location, sir,” Seong Hyeon finally replied.

Jason was about to ask what that meant when Min Kyu cut him off. “What are we looking at?”

Realizing that Seong Hyeon had temporarily shifted his allegiance to his old Special Forces commander, Jason quietly grumbled. But it was probably for the best. He may have played a super-ninja in his last movie, but Jason was no strategist when it came to daring rescues. He was better off leaving that for the experts.

“It appears to be a salvage yard, sir. Single entrance from the main road with a gauntlet approach. The defenders will have ample cover.”

Min Kyu nodded. “And we have to assume they’re armed.”

“Yes, sir. But it’s unlikely that they’ll have anything more than small arms, which this vehicle is more than capable of withstanding.”

Seong Woo patted the door next to him. “Remind me never to question your recommendations again, Yu Min Kyu.”


Jason sat forward at the mention of small arms. “Do I get a gun?”

“Absolutely not,” Min Kyu and Seong Hyeon replied in near unison.

Jason frowned. “I know how to handle one.”

“That’s irrelevant.” Min Kyu shook his head. “I can’t trust you to do as I say. And I don’t want any indiscriminate gunfire. We’re not a police agency, so I only want defensive fire when necessary.”

Jason angrily huffed. “So what am I supposed to do?”