Page 80 of Idol Moves

“Complications?” A new voice. It sounded strangely familiar, but Tae Hyun couldn’t immediately place it. “What complications?”

“The bodyguard was mildly injured from a gunshot.”

“What do you mean by bodyguard?”

Do Hyeon’s huff sounded like he was about done with everyone second-guessing him. “The primary target was only accompanied by his bodyguard. The secondary target–”

“That’s just fucking great.” The new voice was definitely familiar, and not because he’d heard it that day. But he knew it from somewhere. “And you shot him? You were told to deliver them unharmed!”

“It was the bodyguard, sir,” Do Hyeon explained, “not the target. And it’s nothing serious.” He and his angry companion stopped near the seated Tae Hyun and Seong Min. “We already bandaged him. See for yourself.”

“Fine. Now, get that hood off him. I want to see his face.”

“Sir, I–”

“Do it.”

Do Hyeon sighed. “Alright, sir. But I–”

“No, not his, you idiot. The other one.”

Do Hyeon sighed again just before something tugged at the hood over Tae Hyun’s head. Fresh air flooded into his lungs as light even brighter than the hot follow-spots he used onstage made him close his eyes. Tae Hyun carefully opened them again and saw two figures looming over him at the edges of the light.

Tae Hyun blinked as he waited for his eyes to adjust. “What’s going on? Why are you doing this?”

“I think you know why,” answered the familiar voice.

Tae Hyun grunted. “Remember Jong Soo.”

“Yes. Such a tragedy. He was such a talented boy. But he was also a boy who didn’t know how to play the game.”

Tae Hyun’s eyes finally adjusted enough to make out the face of the person standing over him. He would’ve been more shocked, but several pieces of the puzzle he’d been wrestling with fell into place. And their previous interaction made a lot more sense. “Oh Min Su?”

Min Su’s quiet chuckle was low and dark. “Hello, Woo Tae Hyun.”

Tae Hyun shook his head. “Is that what this is to you?” He looked over at Seong Min sitting beside him. His upper arm had been crudely bandaged and showed the glistening red of fresh blood. He still had the hood over his head. “A fucking game?”

“This?” Min Su shook his head. “No. This is just the part of the game where you get to make a decision.”

Tae Hyun huffed. “So this is KBR’s desperate plan to silence me one way or another like they did with Jong Soo?”

“You’re so fucking smug, Woo Tae Hyun.” Min Su sneered. “All those years I followed you around, doing everything you asked of me, and you never once said thank you.”

“Is that what you remember?” Tae Hyun scoffed. “Because I remember a manager who constantly complained about everything.” He shook his head. “Maybe if you hadn’t always been such an asshole to me, I would’ve been more thankful.”

Min Su rushed toward Tae Hyun, grabbed his shirt, and yanked him to his feet. “You had everything I ever wanted just handed to you, you little shit.” He angrily grunted. “And you threw it all away for what? Some second-rate American actor who doesn’t know his own place?”

Tae Hyun snorted. He’d always assumed that jealousy was part of the reason Min Su had treated him so badly. Part of him couldn’t blame the man. Tae Hyun would’ve been crushed to work so hard toward debuting only to get denied by KBR. But that didn’t make the way he’d acted okay. And it definitely didn’t excuse kidnapping him. “It’s not my fault you never debuted, Oh Min Su. That’s on you. And KBR. You don’t have to take it out on me.”

Crack! Tae Hyun knew the slap was coming and had braced himself for it, but it still stung.

“Sir,” Do Hyeon interrupted, “the boss is here.”

Tae Hyun turned to Do Hyeon with a questioning look. If Min Su wasn’t the boss, then–

“No.” Min Su pulled Tae Hyun close enough that his hot, angry breath washed over Tae Hyun’s face. “Don’t look at him. Look at me. I’m the one you need to worry about.” He snorted. “And don’t you dare think you know anything about–”

Tae Hyun took a page from Jason’s book and decided it was time to fight back. He lifted his leg and stomped hard on Min Su’s foot with his heavy, thick-soled boots. Min Su howled as he dropped Tae Hyun on his ass.