Page 9 of Totally Blitzed

“Dance?” he mouths, head tilting toward the dance floor.

I shake my head, but as I do, my gaze falls on Jase. His back is pressed against a tall, bearded man, ass grinding against him in time with the beat of the music. Another guy is in front of him, and Jase’s hands are on his waist. Jase’s stare meets mine and a sly smirk rises to his lips.

I look away. Heat rises in my face and my groin. What the fuck was that? I look over again, and Jase is facing the bearded guy now, his hands trailing over his back. The other guy has moved on to someone else. Jase looks like he’s about to take this guy home, and that thought has me doing something I would never have anticipated.

I stand, grab random guy’s hand, and head toward Jase and the thirty other guys dancing in the middle of the room.

The second my feet are on the dance floor, I become someone else. I move to the music with random guy, his hands trailing my sides, and I let the disguise take over. In college, I’d go to parties, dance, and drink. I had one or two sneaky hookups, too, but when scouts started paying attention, all that ended. I couldn’t risk anything jeopardizing my career and the money it brings in.Money that supports not only me but my three brothers, too.

I spin in random guy’s arms and find Jase far closer than he was before. He’s facing a different guy again. Wow, is this what the club scene is like now? The new guy, taller, leaner, with bright purple hair, gazes down at Jase and his stare tells me all I need to know about his intentions. Random guy tries to pull me close against him, but my arms reach forward, and I take hold of Jase’s waist. The warmth of his skin radiating through the thin fabric of his shirt sends vibrations through my arms, but I don’t let go.

Jase doesn’t pull away either. Instead, he starts dancing backward, toward me, and when his tight, round ass presses against my groin, my cock throbs, and my arms wrap all the way around him. He’s shorter than me, thinner, too, but not skinny, and he fits perfectly against me like his body was made to fit mine.

Random guy heads toward the bar, and purple hair guy is nowhere to be seen. All that’s left is Jase and me, grinding to the music.

His fingers lace between mine, and he guides my hands under the hem of his shirt and up his smooth-toned abs.

My cock pulses hard, pressed against my jeans, and as I lean forward to give it a little room, Jase tilts his head back against my shoulder and turns his mouth toward my neck.

“Are you having fun yet?” he asks, rubbing back against me. He’s released my hands and has his sliding around my thighs to grab my ass.

I should step away. Jase is my new agent. There would have to be rules about this sort of thing. I mean, maybe not about dancing, but about grabbing your client’s ass and getting them so worked up that he’s ready to drag you into the bathroom and blow you in the stall. There has to be a rule againstthat,surely.

“It’s getting pretty hot in here,” he says, and then he takes one of my hands, and I follow him like a puppy off the dance floor and over to the bar.

The bar is packed, but we find an open stool, and he nods toward it for me to sit, then he leans over the top to wave down one of the bartenders.

“You looked great out there,” a different bartender to the first one who served us tells Jase, stare zeroed in on him like a cat hunting prey. “What will you have?”

Jase glances at me.

“Do you want another beer?” he asks.

“Actually, I’ll have a whiskey, neat.”

“Make that two,” he tells the bartender and then spins to lean against the bar and look out at the dance floor.

“So, I think that’s been a good start, don’t you?”


“Of you letting yourself have a little fun. You did have fun, didn’t you?” His gaze is locked on the men dancing, a few of who are smiling his way. My stomach churns. They want him. There’s no denying it. He’s sexy as fuck and he knows it, but these guys think they can have him, and that makes something stir in me I’ve never felt before.

I know I shouldn’t. I know it’s wrong, but against everything, I loop my arm around his waist, pull him close and kiss him.

There’s a millisecond when his plump warm lips meet mine that I’m terrified he’ll pull away. Shove me. Yell at me. But then his lips part and his tongue pushes into my mouth, and nothing I think could happen matters.

Has kissing always been like this? I mean, I remember it used to be good, but the way our mouths fit together, his tongue moving in time with my own like it knows exactly what way to go next, it’s unreal.Why did I ever stop doing this?

The strobe lights flash over us, and I’m reminded of the flashes of paparazzi and exactly why I stopped.

I pull back, and Jase sucks in a breath. He doesn’t speak right away. His fingers reach up, and he presses them lightly against his slightly swollen bottom lip, and then he reaches beside us, grabs one of the glasses of whiskey, and downs it in a single gulp.

“Ahh, we should probably call it a night,” he says and grabs his phone to order our ride.


“Don’t worry about it,” he says, waving a hand my way like I was going to apologize or something.