Page 8 of Totally Blitzed

“I never said I would be dancing.”

“It’s a club,” I say as I apply the thin layer of glue to the edge of the wig. It’s firm fitting and so not much is needed, just a little at the temples and behind the ears.

“We’ll see what happens.”

That’s not a no. I seal his edges and then set to work on my own. I go without facial hair tonight, but add a little dark liner to my eyes and then toss everything else back into the bag.

When we get to the club, before I can open the car door to climb out, Parker grips my arm.

“Are you sure no one will guess it’s me?”

“Positive.” I smile, closing my free hand over his. “Trust me.”

That is the whole point of tonight. Getting Parker to trust me, to see that I want him to be happy, not just successful. If Parker can let go a little and have some fun, hopefully, he’ll open up to a few of my ideas for his future.

We get to the club, and despite thefact he’s a good foot taller than I am and he could break in two with his thick arms, he walks behind me like I’ll be able to hide him from the world.

“Trust me,” I mouth as we wait.

The line is short, and as we near the bouncer, I’m suddenly worried they’ll card me. My baby face has everyone assuming I’m younger than I am, and although I have my ID, I don’t want them to ask for Parker’s, too, even though he is clearly of age. I promised him a night out with no one knowing who he is and that would derail my plan.

We get closer, and I hold my breath waiting for the inevitable, but the bouncer waves us through without a second glance, and the moment the strobe lighting hits Parker’s face, he’s smiling and nodding in time with the music. This is going to be great.

“Drink?” I yell over the bass, and he yells, “Sure,” and follows me to the bar. Every guy is checking him out on our way. They can’t know who he is, not really. The disguise is great, but no amount of hair was going to hide the fact he’s fucking gorgeous.

I wave to the bartender, and no surprise, it isn’t until he spots Parker that he pays me any attention.

“Two beers,” I say, and he nods and then leans closer to Parker.

“Haven’t seen you in here before. What’ll you have?”

Parker frowns my way. “Ahh, two beers, thanks.”

“No problem. So did you just move to town?”

“Not exactly,” he replies, and I grab the first of the beers and down it all.

“I’m going to dance,” I say and leave Parker to enjoy the attention. A little ego inflation never hurt anyone. Plus, the way my stomach clenched at the sight of the bartender undressing Parker with his eyes was enough for me.

The second I move away, my space is filled by another guy leaning in close to talk to him. He must have said something funny because Parker laughs, and even in the colored flashing lights of the club, I can tell he’s blushing. My chest tightens.

“Not leaving, are you?” a thirty-something guy asks as he runs his hands down my arm to take my hand. My gaze moves from where Parker is holding the attention of several super-ripped guys.

“No, just got here actually,” I say, and then I let him lead me onto the dance floor. I glance over my shoulder to check on Parker, but he seems fine, more than fine. He’s laughing and smiling and looks to be totally in his element. That should make me happy, but all I can think about is going up there and dragging him away from them to dance with me. It’s stupid. He’s my client. I brought him out so he’d have some fun, so why is it bothering me so much that it’s these guys giving him that fun time and not me?

The club guy wraps his hands around my waist and pulls me tight against him.

“I’m Chris,” he yells, moving us both to the music.

“J… Toby,” I reply, turning all my attention to Chris. I never give out my real name at places like this, and my focus is so wrapped up in Parker fucking Lane that I nearly broke my own rule. Time for Chris and I to show Parker what real fun looks like.

Chapter 4


Thatthrillyougetrunning onto the field before a game has been incomparable until this moment. I’m terrified someone will recognize me, but at the same time, I can’t help but lean into their words. The bartender made it clear he was into me, slipping me his number under the second beer he poured. The first glass he set down, Jase drank in one go before abandoning me to go dance with some random.

I fidget with the glass instead of drinking, trying to convince myself that no one knows it’s me. The guy beside me places a hand on my thigh, and I jolt nearly knocking over my beer.