Page 39 of Inflamed Touch

Nadia’s eyes go wide as her nephew’s shoved at her. “Diego—”

“Go, Nadia. Now.”

For a second, I don’t think she’s going to obey, but then she turns and leaves.

I’m impressed with her, how she held her cool. Less impressed with her not wanting to leave like she could protect me. Okay, that’s sweet, but I can’t be worrying about her.

“She calls the cops, I’m fucking shooting you.”

“Well,” I say, calculating how many bullets and shots I’d need to bring them down. “Do that and you’re bringing even more fuckin’ pain down on yourself.”

My issue isn’t the hardened professionals, like him—even if he’s putting up a good show. It’s the ones like the guy with the gun.

I don’t like wild cards.

The guy looks past me, making my heart sink. I don’t need to turn to know fuckface here changed his mind about letting her go.

“I like her titties, ya know, so I might keep her.” The guy offers me a shit eating grin.

My hands curl into fists. “I don’t think that’s going to happen. I make guys like you wish they were dead before disappearing them forever. You tried to extort money from a kid. Not sure what crew you run with that. That shit doesn’t fly, especially when there are no turf wars going on in Enders Ridge. You broke rules and this place? It doesn’t look like you run a big outfit. Who are you with, Landers Men?”

The guy just looks at me. Not a reaction or an attempt to hide one. I’m aware they’re shifting behind me, the girls with Nadia and Jay, the other two moving in. But no one seems to have a gun other than the asswipe who pulled one on Nadie.

Doesn’t mean they don’t have one.

Mine’s in the back of my jeans, small of my back. Wasn’t expecting to be carrying with any intent to use tonight, just had it in case.

I’ve got my jacket on, but still . . . not the ideal spot.

Behind me, the kid moans, and I know who he’s shifted too. That damn group, the ones that are nothing but a pain in my ass—Enders. Because he’s starting to put together, I’m definitely a bad guy, way worse than any he messes with, at least in his head.

If they’re sending him on jobs like whatever this is, then he’s in deep, and fast.

I don’t even know what’s going on yet, except something isn’t right.

These guys don’t fit at all.

“Just an average Joe trying to make a living,” the guy says.

“Tell your men,” I say, “they take one more step closer and they’re going to be dealing with broken limbs at the very least. So, let’s play fair, everyone in front of me, and we talk it out.”

With Nadie and Jay in here, I can’t use my gun. Can’t fucking risk one of them doing something stupid like taking a shot and hitting the wrong person.

So, I slowly reach behind me, holding my other hand up. “I’m gonna level the playing field. Taking my gun out and putting it on the table, okay?”

The gun guy swings wild to me. “For fuck’s sake. Quit that or you’re liable to shoot yourself in the eye.”

I empty the clip and pocket it, then set the gun down.

Big as I am, mean and dirty fighter as I am, this puts me at a disadvantage. But I already know the ones to go for to win. And yeah, I’m more than aware I’m putting my wellbeing on the line.

I just fucking hope Nadie will take the first opportunity and get the fuck out. She’s not stupid, so . . .

“That didn’t answer my question.” I let my body relax, readying for anything.

He slicks back his wet hair, and as he steps up, I can smell whiskey. “Not with them. Bigger fish.”

“Got a face full of booze did you, or do you have a fuckin’ drinking problem?” I nod at him.