Page 38 of Inflamed Touch

Men like him can always use pretty girls.

And I do mean use.

Yeah, I’m going to enjoy ending the fucker.

So, I play a card I shouldn’t.

“This is how it’s gonna go down. She’s walking the kid out of here, and I’m gonna follow and forget you exist. This way, I don’t tell De Luca about you.”

Only one other person makes a sound as the ringleader jerks. Two real criminals in here. And ones who, I’m betting, have drifted about enough to have crossed paths with the De Luca family.

No doubt they saw an opportunity here, or they are hiding in plain sight while they do other things. Either, or maybe both. It doesn’t fucking matter.

I know who to concentrate on.

“How you know De Luca, big guy?”

“Work for Leo.”

The guy motions, and the skinny man with the gun drops it. But he doesn’t say they can go.

Nadia’s gaze goes to her nephew, running over him, checking he’s in one piece, and then she looks at me. Those big greens kill.

“Take him out to your car.” I switch my gaze back to the main guy as I say this.

The guy shakes his head. “I don’t think so.”

“Yeah, actually, I know so, but tell you what—you get me instead. A De Luca enforcer.”

All cards in the fucking ring.

“She’s gonna fetch me a good price after we have some fun. Maybe knock a few bucks off the kiddo’s debt.” The guy grins, pulls a knife, and clean his nails.

I’m not ready to play a game of show and tell or whose is fucking bigger. Not yet.

“Let my aunt go!” Jay says, his voice wobbling all over the place. “And I didn’t start a fight. Or steal. I was sent here on a mission to get a package, and . . .and . . .”

I turn and stare down the kid. Last thing I need is him crying. Let him see who the scariest motherfucker in the place is. Shit, Nadie’s holding it together better than him.

But he is just a fucking kid. I need to remember that.

“See? Misunderstanding,” I say. “And he’s under De Luca protection. She’s taking him to the car, and we talk.”

This isn’t the kid’s gang. But it is a bunch of grown ass men playing games no kid should be part of.

“And if I don’t?” the guy asks.

I grin. “If you don’t, you’re gonna have trouble. Big trouble.”

This is where it’s tricky. I can’t mention De Luca again, I don’t know his connections or what I might be stirring. But I want her out of here, because one of these adults beat up a kid. One pulled a gun on Nadie and shoved it in her face. And this one? He threatened to rape and sell her.

Not a bit of that flies.

If push comes to shove, Nico, Tizio, and the De Lucas will back me.

Let’s hope I’m not about to land everyone in the fucking fire.

“Okay, let’s talk,” the guy says.