Page 116 of Love Redesigned

“Do you plan on sticking around town for a while between filming seasons?”


Julian tenses.

Callahan claps his hands together. “That’s great news because my brother and his wife want to buy a property around here, so I’m sure they’ll need a local interior designer. I know Iris will flip out if you’re free.”

Me? Designing a house belonging to the Kane family? I’m afraid I might pass out at the mere idea.

Julian’s glare could increase the world’s temperature by a few degrees. “She’s not available.”

“Shecan speak for herself.” I turn toward Alana’s fiancé with a small smile. “I might be filming by the time that happens, but even if I am, I’d still love to help your family.”

“Dahlia!” Alana rushes over. “I should have guessed you would be working thebuñuelosbooth this year.” She pulls me into a hug before grabbing Cami’s hand and tugging her away from the booth. “I told you no more sweets until after lunch.”

“But Cal said it was okay.”

Alana shoots him a look. “Did he now?”

He lifts his hands in the air. “You try saying no to her when she does that thing.”

As if on command, the girl pops out her bottom lip and wobbles it, making me laugh.

Alana spares me a halfhearted glare. “Don’t encourage her.”

“He’s right. I wouldn’t stand a chance at saying no to that kid.”

“When you have a kid, you’ll understand.”

My smile slips as a cold feeling of dread takes over. “I’msure I will,” I manage to say despite the invisible rope wrapped around my throat.

Alana’s expression quickly morphs into one I recognize all too well. “Is everything okay?”

Julian’s head snaps in my direction.

I plaster on the same fake smile I wore while filming the entire last season of my show. “Yup. All good.”

My phone vibrates in my back pocket. I pull it out and read the name before facing Julian. “Hey. Do you mind watching the booth for a second?”

Julian’s brows scrunch together. “Everything fine?”

That’s the third time he’s asked me the same question in the last hour, and while my answer hasn’t changed, his concern has.

“Hope so. Be right back.” I throw him one last wave over my shoulder before taking off down a row of booths.

I don’t answer Jamie’s call until I’m out of sight and earshot of any festival attendees or volunteers.

“Hey!” Though Jamie and I haven’t worked together long, whenever she hits that high pitch, I know something is up.


“So…” she says. “I swear I wouldn’t have called you unless I thought this was important.”

“Oh? Is everything all right?”

She pauses for the longest three seconds of my life. “No.”

“What’s wrong?”