Page 115 of Love Redesigned

“Don’t worry about that.” A deep male voice has me turning to find the blond guy I’d seen with her before.

What was his name again? Al?

I hold the crisp bill in the air for him to see. “She gave me a hundred-dollar bill.”

“Save it for college.” The little girl winks.

While I’m flattered she thinks I look young enough to attend college, I’m mildly concerned that she hands out hundreds like singles.

“Are you Alana’s kid?” I throw some batter into the fryer.

“Yup! I’m Cami.”

“You know my fiancée?” the man—possibly Al—asks.

“Yup. The three of us went to high school together.” I point my thumb back at Julian, who scowls at the man across from me.

“You didn’t tell me that, Julian,” Al says.

“You didn’t ask,” Julian replies with a bored tone.

Hm.“You two know each other?”

“I remodeled his house last year,” Julian states.

“Of course you did.”

Alana’s fiancé offers me his hand. “Callahan Kane.”

Callahan freaking Kane?

I’ve been in the presence of American royalty and I had no idea. While Declan Kane, the eldest grandson of the Kane Company’s founder, is instantly recognizable given the numberof articles published about him becoming CEO, Callahan Kane has been under the radar and out of the press spotlight for years.

If I were an heir to the biggest media conglomerate and Dreamland theme park empire, I would want to stay out of the public eye too. Those reporters are vicious, and I can’t think of a better target than three handsome billionaires.

“I had no idea you went to high school with my fiancée,” Callahan says.

I regain control of myself. “Julian and I weren’t exactly part of the cool crowd.”


“We were a bit busy making honor roll and whatnot.”

“Ahh. Got it.” His head tilts and his eyes squint in a way I know all too well. “Wait. Are you that interior designer who has a show on TV?”

My cheeks heat. “Yup.”

“I knew it! My sister-in-law is a huge fan of your show.”

“Really?” I manage to squeak out.

“Oh, yeah. She binged all your episodes before renovating her house.”

“That’s nice.” My nerves take over because a freakingKanewatches my show.

His smile is nothing but warm. “I didn’t realize you were from around here.”

“Born and raised.” I throw a thumbs-up like a complete loser.