Page 10 of Marked for Sin

“Yes, you may.”

He walked over and kissed my cheek before waving goodbye and walking away. I waited until he was far enough out of sight before letting out a frustrated breath.

This cannot be how relationships are supposed to be. He was too nice. I swore the only thing he could get wet were the tears in his eye if a squirrel got hit by a car. But like Father said, he was a good man and I needed to stay with him and that I would grow to love him.

I wanted to believe my father, I truly did.

I walked over to my bike to see the idiot had left the key in the on position. Good thing I checked or my battery would be dead the next time I needed to take the bike out. I shook my head in resignation before switching off the key. I then heard a distinct shrillness in the distance of a sports bike coming fast in our direction. The gear changes were lightning quick, rev matching each gear.

I wonder who that could—

I shook my head.It's Lust. I guarantee it. Who else could it possibly be? As much as his presence annoyed the hell out of me, one good thing I could say about him was he could definitely ride. Why the hell was he on this side of town again? He just couldn’t take a hint. But if he was searching for me he may uncover our compound and I needed to protect them. I would keep my mouth shut and go out to meet him so he wouldn't find my home. But the fact he was looking…

I kind of liked that. I couldn’t help but feel a little bit flattered.

I rode my bike to the center of town and even though it was dangerous, this would at least protect the others. He had to have heard my bike as he arrived as if on cue with my thoughts, stopping right in the center of the city, miles away from our compound.

He revved his bike a few times. It drew me to him.I shouldn't go riding with him but I was leading him away from my home.That was the lie I told myself. It was taboo to see a vampire but something was different about him. He sat on his bike, dressed fully in black. I caught myself looking at him up and down before quickly snapping myself out of it.

I attempted to hide my embarrassment by snapping at him. “Can you not take a hint? I don't want you here, no one does.”

“Okay, hold down your horses, Chastity. I actually had a proposition for you with pretty high stakes—” He held both hands up palms out, speaking with a calm tone of voice.

“I'm not interested.” I bit out, before turning away to head inside.

But I was interested and that pissed me off. My insides felt like butterflies, nervousness creeping in.Why was I feeling this way for this self centered, egotistical dick? Ughh.

“Wait! At least let me tell you first.” He quickly got off his bike and cut in front of me with both arms open blocking my way.Was he serious? What if someone saw him? Saw us?

“So, I know you like my bike, that's a given.” I could just hear the smirk in his voice behind his helmet. “So, how about a winner-take-all race? I will even give you a faster bike. You take my bike and I will take yours. If you beat me to the other side of town, I will trade you.”

He flipped the visor up and had a sly grin to his face. I stared at him suspiciously. I knew something was up but I decided to indulge him a little. I needed a good ride, especially after the disaster of an instruction I had with Gabriel.

A small pang of guilt hit me in the chest at the thought of my boyfriend, but I was too intrigued by what Lust had in mind. What would we be trading exactly? It felt like there was more than what he was saying.

I crossed my arms and tilted my chin up. “Interesting proposition. You really want to lose your bike, huh? And what if by some miracle you win?”

I twirled my hair to make him put his guard down and watched as he sucked his bottom lip in response. I inwardly noted that Gabriel had never shown this type of sexual attraction from just being around me.Chastity, focus. He's a vampire and he will kill you. It’s forbidden.

“Well… I get to fuck you.” He chuckled as if it made all the sense in the world.

He was out of his damn Letos mind. But for a moment I considered it only to shake the thought out of my mind quickly.

“I will pass on that. Thanks, though,” I quickly responded. “I swear you have a one track mind. Is everyone from your family this dense?”

He stared at me with full focus and it made my face flush with embarrassment. I ignored it, showing nothing but confidence against this creature.

“What? Don't tell me you have no trust in your riding skills?” He chuckled, attempting to goad me into his game but I could see it a mile away.

“No. No, I trust my skills but what I don't trust is that you won't wreck your own bike or maybe even have already sabotaged it so you will win the race. Do I look like an idiot to you?” I rolled my eyes.

His face flashed a shocked expression.I knew it.

“Okay, Chastity, you caught me. I siphoned out most of the gas,” he admitted. “But, I felt really bad doing it. A small part of me was like, Lust, be more virtuous and the other part was like, her ass is so tight I just want to squeeze it. See I'm in pain too.”

I was dumbstruck by his confidence and ego. I just couldn't, with him.

“You’re an idiot, please leave.”Every time I thought he might be okay, and that I was maybe overreacting, he had to open his mouth.