Page 11 of Marked for Sin

“You really want me to go?” He batted his eyes, looking for sympathy.

“Yes.” I responded coldly and pointed my hand toward the road.

He stopped whatever he was doing to his face and stared at me in astonishment. “Seriously? Like you want me to leave? Because if I leave, I'm not coming back,” he barked out, unable to hide his irritation.

Was that a threat or a promise?

“Yes, Lust. I'm serious. I want you to leave.” I again pointed my hand toward the road since he didn’t get it the first time.

“Okay, so, I'mnotgoing to leave. We could go for a ride together. That was fun the other day, right? Us ripping up the streets together, speeding through gears. Ya know, fun.” He flashed a grin and winked his eye at me which sort of was cute but I didn’t change the look of annoyance on my face at his persistence.

I was quiet for a few moments in thought. Suddenly, an idea came to me. I gave him an answer along with a sly smile. “Yeah, riding with you was nice. I guess we can go for a short ride again but first, let me grab my gear and I will be right out.”

I wiggled my fingers before turning to walk back into the compound. His eyes sparkled with triumph and I held back a laugh. I walked into my home and grabbed my blade and a container then returned to strapped it to the back of my bike with a hum.

“Uum, you don't need the sword. I'm not going to hurt you. What kind of vampire do you think I am?” He placed his hands behind his back to make himself look less of a threat. He just looked stupid.

I placed my index finger under my chin and exhaled slowly in exasperation while I looked him over from head to toe. I inwardly giggled at what I was about to say to his face. “Lets see, I would say you are a self-centered, egotistical asshole who is full of yourself. Oh, and a terrible flirt. Why can't you stop pretending whatever this facade is and just be yourself?”

“Ouch, that hurt my heart.” He placed his hand up toward his face and turned his head away from me as if I physically hit him. “We do have feelings, ya know and by the way, what do you mean a facade?”

I wasn’t sure whether to feel bad or punch him in the face for real. The more I thought about it, the more I felt bad instead of the latter. Maybe I misjudged him. I frowned when something hit me. “Wait a minute, vampires don't have hearts!”

“I said I had feelings, not a heart. I feel things like desires, and horniness and hunger and more horniness but in all seriousness, what facade do you think I'm putting up?” he questioned.

I curled my lip into a snarl. “Okay, honestly, I get it, you're horny but this whole ‘I’m a clan of Leto’s and heartless’ thing,” I said while waving my hand in front of him. “Why can't you just be yourself? Are you afraid to show me who you really are or do you even know who you are? Ya know what? Let's just go before my father finds out.” I inwardly chastised myself for letting that slip. “Just in case you try something, this little box has enough explosives in it to kill us both. So, if you do attack me, you won't, how did you put it?”

I stared at him with a full blown grin.

“Fuck me after I’m dead.”



She was too smart for her own good. Damn, I really thought that plan would work but at least we will still get to ride together. Maybe my skills on the bike could loosen up that tight little pussy a bit.

Well… maybe she is right, maybe I am afraid to show how I really feel, but what if someone found out that I was the weakest of the Aaron clan? I would never live that down, especially with Pride. He would be so disappointed in me, and I couldn't let him down.

As I waited for her to get on her bike, I looked down at my cell phone still waiting for any word from Greed but there was nothing. While we rode, I planned to look for her bike or any type of signs she may have left behind in the area.

“Hey, before we start really riding, I need to get some fuel,” I told her.

Chasity shook her head at me in disbelief before I rode to the nearest abandoned gas station and filled up my bike. Despite the destitute areas the humans chose to inhabit, some of the buildings and gas stations still worked for the most part. This one in particular, smelled strongly of fuel, so I knew there was still some in the pumps. I flashed my fangs in a grin at Chastity for a moment while siphoning the fuel into my tank.

I fantasized about seeing Chastity naked with me between her thighs, begging me to go deeper and harder. A honk of her horn startled me out of my daydream and I quickly removed the fuel hose. I revved my bike and slowly burned a little rubber for show before we left.

We took off together. I rode mine hard doing a few wheelies to impress her but she was solely focused on the road. I slowed down, allowing her to get next to me before accelerating again. She caught up at the same time my bike quickly pulled away once more. I flipped up my visor and turned to look over my shoulder at her as she wheelied her bike and caught up to mine.

Damn, what a woman.The only woman I knew who could ride like that was Greed. When I find her, I knew she would like Chastity, especially after I bred her. My mind was filled with thoughts of filling her womb when Chasity’s horn snapped me out of another daydream. I realized almost too late that I was headed straight for a ditch.

“Hey dummy, if you're gonna daydream, do it somewhere where I don't have to get killed okay?” She giggled before accelerating in front of me.

We took some abandoned twisty roads and leaned hard into them. I watched as her body was one with her bike just like I was with mine. It only further enhanced my desire for her.

Out of the corner of my eye, in the distance, I saw a trio of convertibles filled with female warriors driving toward the middle of one of the most dilapidated areas in this place.

It was easy to decipher who they were—Disaris warriors.But why were they out at this time of evening and headed toward the human part of town?I locked my brakes and came to a stop. Flipping my visor up, I caused Chastity to lock her brakes beside me in question. I had to come up with a plan immediately. I needed to find Greed and I didn’t need Chastity to be a distraction in my search.