Page 20 of Marked for Sin

“Get out of my fucking club, now!” he bellowed.

“I swear, can't take you anywhere, Lust!” one of my siblings yelled.Me?Why was the blame on me? It was Wrath who wanted to start detaching body parts!

A scream stole our attention and we looked into the corner of the room to see Envy ripping out the eyes of another woman. Humans were running out of the building and other vampires were fucking while some had began feeding, unable to stop themselves. Sure, let the others have fun, but not the Aarons. This was bullshit.

“This used to be a nice place,” Pride scoffed. Why did it feel like he was only directing it to me? “One hour with you guys here and it turns intothis.”

“Yeah, next time, be a superhero and you try to keep Wrath and Envy under control. How's that for a plan?” I retorted.

Vampiric bouncers were trying to control the situation, removing body parts and dumping them who knows where. I grabbed one of the bouncers who walked by us. “Have you seen our sister, Greed anywhere nearby?”

“No, I haven't. You Aarons are next to get put out after I take this arm off the floor.”

Pride laughed and the bouncer glared. I laughed too.

This was probably why The Velvet Fang existed and lasted for so long. Neutral ground would have prevented this from happening, but neutral ground would have also taken Wrath from us and we couldn’t have that. Our family stuck together.

We all quickly mounted our motorcycles and headed out. We rode for a few hours without seeing any signs of Greed so we headed back to the mansion.

“That sure was some excitement. I must say, that was the most fun I have had in quite some time,” I admitted, feeling a little lighter after my release.

Most of us agreed except for Pride who was scolding Wrath. Wrath ignored him and left to the direction of the basement.

I made my way back to my room to find my bed had been repaired when Gluttony knocked on my door.

“I fixed your bed, brother, and even filled it with more blood from the blood bank.” She smiled showing all of her razor sharp teeth and then came over and laid her head on my shoulder.

I kissed her on the forehead affectionately. “I love you, baby sister.”

“Lust, do you think I will ever find someone that will love me like the way Ian loves Valka? She makes noises I've never made before. And I have feelings other than hunger.”

“Sweetheart, I will make sure to help you find someone but you have to make sure you don't eat them. You have woman parts that have needs, and they can make you feel just as good as shoving limbs into your mouth,” I explained

“Oooh, you promise? When can I feel this? I want to feel it. Goody, goody, I can't wait,” she laughed.

“Tomorrow, I will find you a new play thing. I promise, little sister. But right now, I'm tired, so I'm gonna rest a bit, okay?”

Gluttony gave me an excited smile. Now, all I had to do was to find her a familiar that she can take out her sexual frustrations on. That shouldn't be too hard. It was keeping her from eating them, that was the problem.

After all of the excitement of the day, I needed to chill for a bit. Something about the sound of my exhaust chilled me out. I decided to head back out and ride.



Icouldn't believe my dad died while praying. Who could do such a thing? Was it someone in the compound? How heartless could they be? My heart was completely broken. The only parent I had left on this earth was gone and no matter how much I cried, he would never come back. I laid in bed unable to move and tears covered my pillows. I had nothing left to give, not even myself. I felt hollow and alone. Lust was an idiot but sadly he was my only comfort. And now after all I had gone through my options of life were limited.

This is what the world had come to, we were the scum of what was left. The vampires ruled without any resistance. We had nothing we could do except accept our fates. I couldn't stop my mind from running when Angela came over using her key. She walked into my house and climbed in the bed with me.

“We need to get up so we can get some fresh air.” Angela pulled on my arm and we both got up and walked outside to the old gazebo with the few tables we had left.

Angela sat on the table and sat next to her. She held my hand as I sobbed. I laid my head on Angela’s shoulder as she held me in her arms. No amount of comfort at this point would make me feel better. The wound was too fresh, still too raw.

Gabriel arrived at the place we were sitting. His honest attempts to comfort me truly felt misplaced as his words fell on deaf ears. It wasn’t his fault. I wasn’t in my right mind. His words were kind and sweet, his touch was gentle, but his presence was more of an annoyance than a help.

Maybe I had a hidden bitterness toward him for the simple fact that my father chose him as my partner. Father chose a lot of things for me. And now guilt weighed heavily on my chest for feeling this way toward the man who just died, the only parent I had left.

“I'm here for you.” Gabriel handed me flowers. They were red roses, which were my favorite, but I felt numb. I was broken.