Page 21 of Marked for Sin

I stood up and slowly made my way to my late father’s room. I laid across his bed and began crying again after his lingering scent hit my nose. His room was filled with pictures of me growing up.Now, Daddy's little girl was fatherless. I sobbed and screamed but there was no amount of nice words that could ease the pain of a broken heart.

My father had taught me everything from religion, to how I was supposed to carry myself in day to day living.

He had to. He had no choice but to be my only teacher after my mother left us when I was six, to sickness.

I was forced to watch in horror as she slowly suffered and withered away. Dying from whatever coursed through her body. Memories of sitting with her, holding her hand played behind my eyes. I remember every word she told me. To be a good woman and love with my whole heart. I tried to follow her wishes but everything now was different. I was so sure that everything my father taught me was the truth, but now I feel like maybe it was all lies.

The only person who made me feel anything was Lust and my father never would have allowed me to be with him. He was a vampire but he was so different from everything my father had told me about them. My feelings were changing within me and I was just hoping that he would learn to shut up so I could actually fall in love with him.

I yearned for it. Was it wrong of me?

Rolling over, I pushed my face with my father’s pillow and screamed, beating on the bed with my fist at how unfair my life had been.

I was angry at the God we prayed to. The reason why I taught myself to ride a motorcycle was so I could pass out pamphlets to other scattered humans, trying to get them to come here to the compound and live with us and teach them to live a chaste life.

I lost myself and honestly had no idea who I was anymore. My soul ached. The pain I felt was unbearable and I began to wonder if it would ever go away. The anniversary of my mother’s death was in a few days and now my father was also gone.

We spent many hours praying to be a better person, as the Koxendo religion taught us to. I tried to find some comfort in how he died—because he died the same way he lived, in prayer.

Yet it still didn’t seem fair. How could a higher being take him from me when he was doing what he was supposed to do?

How could the God we prayed to take the only person I had left away from me? What type of a twisted world was this? What was the fucking point of spending my life living right only to be treated as an insignificant nothing in this world.

I needed to get out of here to clear my head, remove myself from the place of so many terrible memories. I forced myself off my father’s bed and out his room. I ran into Angela who attempted to talk to me as did several others but their words were hollow and there was nothing they could say to ease the pain of my broken heart.

I grabbed my motorcycle gear and walked to my bike and started it. A part of me hoped I would run into Lust even though it was wrong and I knew that if we were to be caught we could be killed but at least he understood me and I understood him. It felt that way, anyway. I enjoyed the way we rode together at fast speeds, pushing our machines as hard as they could go on the verge of recklessness.

And right now, I needed to feel something, anything, because I felt nothing. I was a hollow shell who had lost everything I believed in.

I took off riding harder than I ever had. I rode with no limitations taking every corner harder, every straight away faster, when from out of nowhere a vampire appeared. He stood in my path. I tried to go around him but he shot out a hand and caught a part of my arm causing me to lay my bike down.

I slid with my bike after the initial contact of smacking into the ground. My body instantly throbbed with pain and when I looked up, I saw him slowly walking toward me. My bike was still running, I tried to crawl toward it but my body hurt so much.

I was so stupid. I had allowed my pain to make me careless. I rode off and forgot my box of explosives but at least I brought my sword. I could try to defend myself if only I could reach it. It was several feet away and pain shot through my body with every crawl.

The sound of footsteps got louder as I continued to try and reach my blade still strapped to my bike.



Iwas enjoying the ride while I flipped up my visor to feel the wind on my face. After a couple of power wheelies I slowed down and took a turn toward a part of town Greed was known to take things from. The rundown buildings and sheds had nothing that would draw her attention but I tried anyway. I rode a few more miles with zero signs of her.

All of a sudden, I picked up the sound of an idling motorcycle. The only other bikers in the area were my siblings.Maybe it was Greed!With a hard turn of the throttle, my bike's rpm’s climbed fast causing my back tire to smoke uncontrollably while it struggled to gain traction. I fully tucked myself by lying on my gas tank. I rode my bike as fast as I could in the direction of the sound of the other bike.

It took a moment, but I found it. I slammed my bike's rear and front brake causing it to slide to a stop. That was when I saw her crawling toward her bike. Another vampire was stalking her; The vampire was walking slowly toward her, growling in hunger.

He was going to pay for daring to touch what was mine.

I knew what we had growing between us was forbidden and against the laws, but the truth was in our faces. We couldn’t deny it. I couldn't let this rogue vampire do anything to her, even if it meant war.

I jumped from my bike, letting it fall to the ground with a crash. He and I locked eyes as I made my way and stood in front of her protectively.

“Please, help me! He’s going to kill me,” Chastity pleaded. I wasn’t sure if she recognized me, but it didn’t matter.

A new feeling ran through me, one I didn’t fully recognize. I didn’t feel like myself yet I never felt so determined. I nodded and took a step toward him. “You better find yourself another woman.”

He chuckled and glared at me. “Or what?”