Page 54 of Lordes

“I can tell them you killed Lillian and Caroline.”

“You do that and I you will have to tell them I killed Gertrude and Labria.”

Raged filled me up. “You fuckin’ bitch!” I lurched forward and reached across the table. I grabbed Lauren by her neck. I had a tight grip on her slimey throat until she reached under the table and hit me on the side of my head with a gun. I instantly let her go. The pain crashed into my skull and pushed me back. I didn’t pass out but the steel hurt like hell.

“You put your fuckin’ hands on me again and I will blow your brains all over this table.”

Now we had the attention of all the customers. Lauren raised her badge and flashed it to the people who were watching us.

“I’m a cop. Mind your fucking business.”

All the eyes diverted away from us. Lauren glared at me. She placed her badge and the gun on the table without removing her hand from the trigger.

“You see that Lordes, everybody in here saw you attack me. I was sitting here calmly talking to you. The video cameras in this place have captured you putting your hands on me. You can go to I.A. if you like. But I have video evidence that you’re a violent psycho that puts hands on women. Men like you take things too far.” Her evil smirk morphed into a sinister chuckle.

“You better not touch my grandmother or my girlfriend.”

“Do you really think you’re in a position to threaten me? Two million dollars in cash asap. Don’t bother to say you don’t have it.”

“I wasn’t going to say that.”

“If I have to take another life it will be three million Daddy Warbucks.”

“I will get you the fuckin’ money. It takes time.”

“How much time?”

“Five business days. I have to put in a request for such a large sum of money.”

“Nice try. It only takes three business days. You think I’m stupid but I’m not. You have three days.”

“How do I know you won’t hurt anybody else I know?”

“You don’t.”

“How do I know you won’t try to extort more money from me in the future?”

“You don’t think two million is enough for me to live off of for the rest of my days.”

She couldn’t want a real answer to that question. I did know that two million dollars was more than enough to pay a hit man to kill her and her entire family. It might be enough for two hitmen.

“I think it’s enough.”

“I’m warning you. Do not get cute. If you try to turn me in I will know. I will send someone right up to that Catholic Church in Mt. Greenwood. I will make sure they kill a few people so Gertrude’s death will look random and won’t raise any suspicions.”

“Would you really kill an old lady?”

“Yes, and your little girlfriend too. She seems like a boring cunt, fuck that Black bitch. I was waiting for you to send her packing and when you didn’t. I had to make my move.”

“I don’t understand why you’re doing all of this.”

“I don’t have an explanation for you. I just want my money.”

“No you want my money.”

“Whatever you want to call it. You have three days.”

“I need three business days. It’s Friday after two. All large transactions have to be start processing before two.”