Page 18 of The Bone Man

He takes the winding road that runs along the town line toward our cabin while I pop onto Main Street and drive to the other side of the city, toward New Clearhelm and the Joint Task Force of Paranormal Investigations.

The new development had seen a couple of hard hits recently, but the shop owners bounced back quickly, determined to make the most of the profit they could turn in the area.

I use my badge to access the underground parking garage, then pull out the bright yellowService Dogvest I picked up for Anny and flap it in the air.

She comes bounding back into the front seat, her tail wagging so hard her entire back end shakes.

“Sure,nowyou’re excited to be up here with me.” I drape the vest over her and fasten the buckles in place. “Remember, no creepy laughing. You’re adog.”

Her mouth drops open, and she pants happily.

I rub her pointed ears. “Good job, Orianna.”

She lets out an excited bark.

Shocked, I stare at her for a heartbeat before repeating, “Orianna?”

She barks again and wags her tail.

A smile spreads over my lips, and I breathe, “Good old Latin. Sothat’swhy you’re so acceptive of Anny. What do you think of Ori?”

Her tail stops wagging.

“Rian?” I try.

Her lips peel back to show her canines.

I sigh. “Fine, but we’re telling Pen that Anny no longer stands forannoying.”

She lets out a happy bark.

I push open the van door and then flatten myself against the seat when Anny—no,Oriannalaunches herself at the opening.

She lands on the ground and circles herself before facing me, again with the open mouth panting.

“We’re going to watch more dog videos when we get home.” I hop out to join her. “You need some character references for your acting.”

Once I lock up the van, we walk to the elevator, and I use my badge to take us down to the Ward.

There are two levels of holding cells at the Woo Woo Squad. Those for the standard lawbreakers and those for the beings too dangerous and difficult for the Joint Task Force of Paranormal Investigations to contain.

We had helped set up the Ward when it was built and had convinced the local coven leader at the time to reinforce it. Hence the name.

The victims of the Hive Queen aren’t actually dangerous enough to qualify for the Ward, but there are too many of them to take up the cells one level above, and the JTFPI doesn’t see nearly as many big bads as they have cells for them.

As the elevator descends, my stomach rises, then drops when it stops just as quickly.

Gods, I understand sometimes being in a rush to get to the holding cells, but a body can never get used to that.

I run my badge over the electronic reader again to verify that I’m allowed to be down here. Only those who are immune to mind tricks are supposed to come down to the Ward, but I have special clearance.

I hurry my steps down the long hall, and Orianna whines as she presses closer to my side.

I pet the top of Orianna’s head. “It’s okay, girl. It protects us, too.”

This part of the prison is buried deep beneath the ground, surrounded by running water and built within the node of a ley line, with spells carved into the cement of the foundation and walls, powered constantly by the very node surrounding it.

The hall opens into a small room with a guard desk and a second entrance behind it that blocks access to the cells.