Page 17 of The Bone Man

“Or you could check for spells.” Marc glances down at Anny. “You’ve been improving.”

I shake my head. While I’ve been working more on what I can do now that I have direct access to the ley line again, my specialty will always be with souls. “I don’t trust myself not to miss something.”

Marc purses his lips but doesn’t push. "Then get Xander and Reese to work up some kind of magic-detecting bug searcher. We can’t call him out every time we leave the house and risk getting tagged again.”

“They’ll have fun with that.” I open the door and wait while Anny scrambles inside. “I want to stop by the Woo Woo Squad to check on the sleepers before heading home. Want to come?”

He shudders. “They creep me out.”

I climb up into the van. “They’re just lost.”

“They’re zombies, and not the good kind you make.” Marc grabs the door before I can shut it. “Wait until I’m behind you.”

I stiffen. “You know I can take care of myself.”

“I do, but I’ve always had an easier time with death than you.” He touches my scarred cheek through the glamour. “Just because you can rip out people’s souls doesn’t mean you have to. Leave the killing to me if we get caught up again, okay?”

I narrow my eyes and give him an assessing look. “How are you doing? You wielded a lot of fire back there. Do your insides feel charred?”

There’s a reason fire witches rarely make it to adulthood, and Marc was throwing around a lot of magic back at the gas station.

He touches the amulet hidden under his shirt. “Nope, this baby has me covered better than Darius ever did.”

I open my mouth, then close it and nod.

Marc smirks. “Still not going to ask?”

We’ve all seen Darius coming and going from Marc’s room, but no one has had the guts to question what’s happening behind closed doors. “Not my business.”

“No, it’s not.” He steps back and grasps the edge of the door. “Wait until I’m behind you.”

As he closes the door, I turn on the engine, then wait while he jogs to his van and performs a U-turn.

As I pull onto the road in front of him, I glance over at Anny. “What doyouthink they’re doing at night?”

Her ears prick forward.

“You’re no help.” I stare out the windshield.

I don’t care if the two men are fucking, but what if Marc’s letting Darius into his body at night? He only just got his mind back to himself.

What if Darius decides he likes Marc’s body better than his corporeal form and runs off with him again? If the Fox God hadn’t shown up, who knows how long it would have been before Marc escaped his control and returned to us?

Anny lets out a sharp bark.

“I’mnotfretting.” I glance over at her once more. “Should we use this drive to find a better name for you? What do you think of Daphne? That’s appropriately mystical.”

Standing, she climbs between the seats and into the back of the van.

“Don’t think that will stop me, Demeter!” I call out and hear her chuff of annoyance. “We have a lot of Greek names to get through!”

In answer, she starts to howl.

It’s going to be alongdrive back.

* * *

At Clearhelm’s border, Marc and I part ways.