Page 74 of Rhett

“She’s picked about ten.”

“We have the room.”

Rhett shook his head. “Please tell me you’re kidding.”

Cin laughed. “I am. Let me take her.”

“All right.” Rhett handed his little girl off to her mama, then he watched Cin walk through the snow and followed behind.

“I love this one.”

“It’s gorgeous. Nick has beautiful trees. Is that the one?”

“I think so. Do you like it?”

“Yes, ma’am. Let me tell Jose.”


Rhett waved at Jose, and he came over to him.

“Did you find one?”

“This one.”

“Excellent choice. I’ll cut it for you and get it loaded.”

“Thanks.” Rhett glanced around to see Cin setting Lexi on her feet, and then he laughed when she took off running, with Cin chasing after her.

Those were his girls. He loved them more than anything in this world. Lexi was adopted when she was six months old, and he couldn’t love her more if she were his flesh and blood.

He started running to them when he saw Lexi fall, but stopped when he heard her giggle and Cin laughing with her.

“Hey, Rhett.”

Rhett turned to see Nick beside him. “Nick.”

“You got a nice tree.”

“Hell, Nick, that’s all you have.”

Nick laughed. “I try. Lexi is adorable.”

“Who knew you could love someone that much?”

“Tell me about it. Two kids and another one on the way. I love it.”

“We’re hoping to adopt more.”

“You need a son.”

“We have an application in for a boy. I’d love that to carry on my name. I can’t let my brother be the only one.” They both laughed.

“And after that one?” Nick grinned.

Rhett looked at Cin, back at Nick, and grinned.

“As many as she wants.”