Page 73 of Rhett

“Yes, he’s in his office. Is he expecting you?”

“No. I just need a minute if he has time.”

“Let me ask him. He’s working on the books. Please have a seat.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He removed his hat and sat at the table.

A few minutes passed, and Calder entered the kitchen.

“Rhett? Is something wrong?”

“No, sir. I want to let you know that I’m moving out of the cabin—”

“What? Why? Did you find another job? I can pay you more, Rhett. You’re too good of a manager to lose.”

Rhett smiled. “Nothing like that. I’m not leaving the job, just not living in the cabin. I’m moving in with Cin.”

“Really? That’s great.” Calder grinned.

“Yeah, we worked it out, and we’re getting married.”

“Congratulations to both of you. Everything is good now?”

“Yes,” Rhett explained about Cin being unable to have kids.

“And she thought that would make you leave her.” Calder nodded. “I can see that.”

“I can too, but I love her. I don’t care. We’ll adopt.”

“I’m glad to hear you worked it out. When do you plan to move?”

“It will take me about a week to get everything out. I’m not taking much. The furniture was there except the bed.”

“Okay. Let me know if you need help.”

“I’m sure I will.” Rhett put his hand out for Calder to shake.

“Sounds good.”

Rhett left the house, strode to the barn, and did his best not to get slapped in the face by blowing snow. He entered the barn and walked along the aisle, checking the horses. It was close to quitting time for him. One good thing about being a manager, he had set hours, but being a ranch, sometimes it didn’t work out that way. He worked beside the men, and he had their respect for it.

He walked to his truck, climbed into the cab, and drove home. Once inside, he removed his hat and coat, hung them up, and called Cin.

After talking for a few minutes, he told her he wouldn’t make it tonight because of the weather. He couldn’t wait to move in with her and not have to worry about seeing her.

They had their entire futures ahead of them, and he was eager to be with her. He’d marry her tomorrow if she agreed, but she said she wanted to get married in the Clifton church, so they’d do that.

Rhett knew they’d stay together, raise their children, and have a great life. When he told his family, they couldn’t be happier, and he was sure he couldn’t be either. Cin was his world; any kids they had would just be a bonus.


Three years later

Rhett walked along the row of trees, stopped each time his two-year-old daughter pointed at one, and clapped her little mittens-covered hands. He chuckled as he pointed at an enormous tree.

“How about that one, Lexi?” He laughed when she screamed and patted his cheeks.

“Did she pick one?” Cin asked as she walked toward them.