Page 7 of Rhett

“Yes, ma’am. I haven’t seen them in a year.”

“Then you need to go. Don’t worry. I’ll take care of your babies.”

“I know that. Call me if you need something.” Rhett stared at her, and she stared back.

Lucinda cleared her throat and led the dogs away.

“Have a safe trip.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He touched the brim of his hat and, after a slight hesitation, walked out, closing the door behind him.

Lucinda blew out a breath and pulled on the leashes because the dogs were staring at the door.

“Come on, he’ll be back, and you’ll have fun while you’re here.”

Returning to the kennel, she spotted Tiffany standing by a cage.

“Is he gone?”

“Yes. We’ll put Willie in here and Waylon in the other one.”

“How can you tell them apart?” Tiffany asked her.

Lucinda smiled. “Willie’s face has more black.”

Tiffany laughed. “I see it now.”

After putting the dogs in the cages, Lucinda closed the gates and watched them for a few minutes. When they howled, she winced.

“Maybe they should be in one,” she muttered.

“We could put them in one of the bigger ones.” Tiffany looked at her.

“I think we’re going to have to do that. I know Rhett has had them both since they were pups. He even had them neutered at the same time. They’re rarely apart.”

Sighing, Lucinda took the leash down, opened one gate, and Tiffany did the same on the other, leading the dogs to a larger cage. All cages had a pet door, so the dogs could go out to do their business in the kennel run. On nice days, the staff would take them to the fenced area and let them run.

They put the dogs in the larger cage and then walked down the aisle to the lobby.

“I’d better enter their info into the computer. I know they don’t take any medicine, so we just have to feed, water them, and let them out to play. I’m sure they’ll get along with the other dogs. They’re friendly.”

“So… tell me about him. Is he seeing anyone?” Tiffany asked as she followed her to the lobby.

“I don’t know, Tif. Rhett and I are just friends.”

“Good heavens! How can you be just friends with a man who looks like that?”

“He dated a good friend of mine years ago, and we became friends. I never understood why Heidi broke up with him.” She chuckled. “He came to my apartment when she broke his heart. He was distraught and said he would never find anyone. I told him that was bullshit. He is such a good man. I’m sure he’ll find someone.”

“He could find me. He’s just gorgeous.” Tiffany laughed.

Lucinda smiled. She had never thought about it before. She didn’t even register his handsomeness because she was in love with Neal then, and Rhett was dating her best friend. Even when he was nursing a broken heart, it just didn’t register. But now, since Tiffany and Erin mentioned it, she pictured him in her mind, and although she had thought him good-looking, she now knew he was drop-dead gorgeous. He was tall, around six-four, and in great shape. She could picture him in her mind when he’d been here earlier. Why hadn’t she noticed how tight his T-shirts were across his pecs and flat stomach? His coat hung open, and she couldn’t stop her eyes from roaming over his chest. His nose was straight and sat over kissable lips, and his eyes were ice blue. He always seemed to have a five o’clock shadow, no matter the time of the day.

“We just became friends,” she said with a shrug. “Once I opened this place, he started bringing his dogs to me.”

“Well, I hope you don’t mind if I let him know I’m interested,” Tiffany said as she tilted her head.

“Uh, no. Go for it.” Lucinda stepped behind the counter and entered the dogs’ information so the staff would know they had two more dogs to contend with.