Page 8 of Rhett

“I noticed he calls you Cin, not Cinda.”

Lucinda smiled. “He always has. I told him to call me Cinda, but he preferred Cin. No biggie.”

“Maybe he enjoys associating you with sin.” Tiffany laughed.

“Good Lord, no! I wouldn’t think so,” Lucinda snorted a laugh.

“Well, who knows what a man thinks? Hey, I’m leaving if you don’t need me for anything else.” Tiffany raised an eyebrow.

“That’s fine. You can go. I’ll do a walk-thru. I think everyone else has left.”

“Okay. I’ll see you Monday. Have a good weekend, Cinda.”

“I plan on doing nothing.” Lucinda smiled.

“That’s a great way to spend a weekend. I’m heading to Dewey’s tonight. See you,” Tiffany said as she waved and walked out the door.

Lucinda walked around the counter, locked the door, flipped off the lights, walked to the back to check the dogs, and headed out the back door to head home.


Rhett traveled to his parent’s house, parked his truck, and stepped out. He grinned when he saw his brother, Nate, coming out the door and stopping on the porch.

“It’s high time you came to visit,” Nate said with a grin.

“I know.” Rhett opened the rear door of his truck, retrieved his duffle bag, shut the door, meandered to the steps, and set his bag down. He looked at his older brother. “Where’s your wife? I’d rather look at her than your ugly mug.”

Nate smiled. “People say we look alike, so what does that say about you?”

Nate strolled down the steps, and they stared at each other. Then Nate drew him into an embrace, slapping him on the back.

“Damn, it’s good to see you, Nate,” Rhett said.

“The same to you, little brother. Let’s go. Everybody is waiting for you.” Nate stepped back.

Rhett nodded, picked up his duffle bag, and climbed the steps, following his brother.

Right after entering the house, his mother grabbed him and hugged him. She pulled back from him, cupped his cheek in her hand, and he dropped the duffle bag, wrapped his arms around her, and blinked back tears. It had been way too long since he had seen her.

“It’s so good to see you, honey,” Beatrice Morrison told him.

“You too, Mom. Where’s Dad?”

“Right here, son.” Nathanial Morrison pulled his son into a bear hug.

The man always seemed larger than life to Rhett, which hadn’t changed. He stood six foot six and weighed over two hundred and fifty pounds, but it was all muscle. The man had never slowed down and continued to work the farm they ran, raising mini horses.

Rhett embraced him in return. When his dad stepped back, Rhett saw tears in his eyes. He knew then that he would never stay away this long again.

“Hey, do I get a hug?”

Rhett looked to see his sister-in-law, Penelope, smiling at him. He reached for her, and she wrapped her arms around his waist. She was a beautiful, petite woman.

“Hey, sis,” he said as he hugged her.

Penelope peered into his face and smiled. “You have been away way too long, Rhett Elijah Morrison.”

“Oh, hell. Middle naming me,” Rhett joked with a grin, making her laugh.