Page 63 of Rhett

“Thank you.”

Once everyone left for the day, Lucinda made sure the dogs had food and water. She knew her employees checked, and she trusted them, but she had to double-check. Better safe than sorry.

She walked along the path to her house and entered the kitchen. Tigger sat in the center of the room, waiting for her. She smiled as she removed her coat and hat. The wind was picking up, and she knew the temperatures would drop below freezing tonight. She hoped everyone stayed safe. It wasn’t a suitable night to be out.

“We don’t have to worry about that, do we, Tigger?” She headed for the living room with the dog on her heels. “I wonder if Rhett is going out tonight. He never mentioned it. I have seen him in Spring City on New Year’s Eve before.”

Lucinda rubbed Tigger’s ears, then placed her cheek against his head.

“I miss him so much, Tig. I know I hurt him, but he hurt me too. I thought he was going to be different.” A tear slid down her cheek. “I’m tired of seeing the disappointment on a man’s face when I tell him. I didn’t see it in Rhett’s, though. He must be a talented actor because I believed him. I wanted it to be true, Tig. I wanted to believe I had found a man who would stand by me no matter what.” She shook her head. “I need to talk to him. To make sure I heard what I thought I heard. Listen to him.”

She sat up and looked at Tigger to see him staring at her with his tongue hanging out, making her laugh.

“At least I have you, huh?”

Since her new year wouldn’t start well, she wouldn’t welcome it. Getting up, she walked upstairs, put her PJs on, and crawled onto the bed. Picking up the remote, she aimed it at the TV and watched a movie.


Rhett stared at the TV, watching the New Year’s Eve shows. He didn’t go to Spring City. The last thing he wanted to do was celebrate anything.

At midnight, his phone buzzed, and he picked it up to see his brother’s face.


“Happy New Year, little brother.”

“Same to you. Where are you?”

“At Mom and Dad’s. Tell Cinda happy new year from us.”

“Uh, she’s, um, not here.”

“Not there? Why not?”

“I’ll tell you some other time, Nate.”

“Did you break up?” Nate asked in a low voice, and Rhett knew it was so no one would hear him.

“Yes. She broke it off with me the day we got home.”

“What? Why?”

“That is the question. I have no idea.”

“She didn’t say?”


“Make her tell you. Rhett, there must be a reason, and you deserve to know.”

“Exactly what I said. You know what? I’m going to see her tomorrow… well, today. I know she’s closed.”

“Do it. Get it straightened out. You two should be together.”

“I know.”

“Get that woman back, or you’ll be miserable.”