Page 64 of Rhett

“I already am.” Rhett chuckled.

“Yeah, love does that to you. Call me.” Nate disconnected.

Rhett sighed as he set the phone down, turned the TV off, got to his feet, and went to bed. He would see Cin tomorrow, and she would tell him. He wouldn’t leave until she did. She owed him that.

As he drove to her place, he wondered what he would say when he saw her. He missed her so much. Did she miss him at all?

With a sigh, he pulled into her driveway and parked. He opened the door, stepped out, strode to the porch, and rang the doorbell. He smiled when he heard Tigger barking and Cin telling him to be quiet. The door opened, and he couldn’t say a word as he stared at her.

“What are you doing here, Rhett?” She kept one hand on the door as if ready to slam it in his face.

“You owe me an explanation, Cin. Wouldn’t you want to know if it were the other way around?”

“I know why you’d break up with me.” She stared at him with her lips flattened.

Rhett folded his arms across his chest and narrowed his eyes.

“And just why would I do that?”

“You know why.”

“Nope. Tell me. You seem to know what I’m thinking, so why would I break up with you?”

When she shook her head, he clenched his fists to keep from reaching out and shaking her.

“Lucinda,” he growled.

“Because I can’t have kids—”

“And I told you it didn’t matter to me.”

“That’s not what you told Nate,” she snapped.

“What?” He frowned.

“I heard you tell Nate you’d love a few kids when he said you needed some rugrats of your own.”

Rhett frowned as he tried to remember the conversation with Nate. Then it came to him.

“If you had stuck around instead of jumping to conclusions, you would have heard me tell Nate that you couldn’t have kids. I also told him we had already discussed it and would adopt. Having a few kids didn’t mean mine. Look, Cin, I’m not going to lie. Most men want kids, but if they love their wives, they’ll do whatever it takes to keep her happy. Your inability to have kids has nothing to do with how I feel about you. I knew about that before I fell in love with you. Doesn’t that tell you something? I stuck around. Because I love you, we’ll adopt as many kids as you want. As long as I have you, I’m fine.”

She stared at him, and his heart cracked, thinking of never having her again. He sighed when she pushed the door open and waved for him to enter the house.

Rhett removed his hat, stepped across the threshold, and entered the kitchen. He hung his hat on a peg, then petted Tigger when he saw him.


“Rhett, I apologize for jumping to conclusions, but you just said it yourself. Most men want their own children, and I know that’s true. I’ve said it myself.”

“So, what are you saying? Cin, I love you. I’ll do whatever you want.”

“I don’t want you to regret it later.”

“I won’t.”

“You don’t know that.”

“I do. If loving you isn’t enough, then I don’t know what else to do.”